Data Management & Reporting

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Introduce Yourself!

Introduce Yourself.png


Hey there! I’m Mary Barba, HubSpot Academy’s revenue operations (RevOps) professor. Welcome to the Data Management & Reporting Study Group!


One of the best ways to learnData Management & Reporting is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other professionals just like you.


That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of professionals to learn and grow better together!


To get started, say hello and introduce yourself. Here are some questions to help you get started:


  1. What's your current role?
  2. What industry do you currently work in?
  3. What excites you most about Data Management & Reporting?
  4. Do you have a favorite blog, podcast, video series, or newsletter that you would recommend to other professionals interested in Data Management & Reporting?
  5. Is there any new content that you’re working on right now?
  6. What are you hoping to get out of this study group?
1,122 Replies 1,122

Introduce Yourself!

1. Sr.Marketing Operation Manager

2. Software

3.  Utilizing data to drive internal change for a better Customer Experience 


Introduce Yourself!

My name is Che-Norbert Simon, and I'm currently a Vendor Management Specialist at Digicel Caribbean Ltd. I have a background in finance and accounts receivable, and I’m particularly interested in revenue assurance and sales and marketing operations.

What's your current role? Vendor Management Specialist

What industry do you currently work in? Telecommunications

What excites you most about Data Management & Reporting? I’m excited about the potential to leverage data for making informed decisions that drive business growth and efficiency. The ability to translate data into actionable insights is incredibly fascinating to me.

Do you have a favorite blog, podcast, video series, or newsletter that you would recommend to other professionals interested in Data Management & Reporting? I highly recommend the podcast "Data Skeptic" and the blog "Towards Data Science" for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of data management and analytics.

Is there any new content that you’re working on right now? I’m currently exploring various certifications related to revenue operations to bolster my skills and knowledge in this area.

What are you hoping to get out of this study group? I’m looking forward to learning new strategies, sharing ideas, and networking with professionals who have similar interests. I hope to gain practical insights and enhance my skills in data management and reporting.


Introduce Yourself!

Hi, My name is Cheryl Ruppel 

1.Customer Success Manager 

2. BioTech and Biopharma Research 

3. Utilizing data to drive internal change for a better Customer Experience 
4. Not yet,  I'll be reviewing the channel for some great ideas. 
5. Customer Experience best practices, Customer Journey Mapping and Data-Driven Program Management 
6.  More knowledge of the field and area. Ideas to continue enhancing my skills and a broader network to learn from. 


Introduce Yourself!

Hi, My name is Akshay Kumar Maharia

1. Digital Marketing Manager

2. Training and Web 3.0 and Forex

3. The Results 
4. Check out the Marketing Strategies of Red Bull and The Smart Guy Elon Musk
5. How Can I Learn to Manage More People and Improve My Sales Skills 
6.  To manage my Company Data 


Introduce Yourself!

Hello, my name is Felipe Herrera

1. Commercial Strategy & Customer Success

2. Hospitality & Technology

3. Having the information to measure the improvement of our decisions.

4. No

5. No

6. I might think that what I actually do is RevOps


Introduce Yourself!

Hi, I'm Hearty Hitutua


1.) I'm a student freelancer

2.) I'm currently studying Operations Management

3.) I'm most excited about the technicalities, processes, and systems it generates. A better system means an easier and more efficient workload.

4.) I don't have any favorite learning materials for Data Management & Reporting because I learn a lot from different contents.

5.) I'm currently into my copywriter and social media strategist training. I want to continue learning and applying new skills so that I can be as flexible as I can be regarding workload. Entering RevOps is also important knowledge because it's part of my college course, so learning and applying RevOps early allows me to have a headstart for earlier career advancements.

6.) What I hope to get out of this studying group is knowledge and building a network of people. I want to build a network of people because aside from knowing and learning from their expertise, I can also put myself in a position where opportunities are always open.

Let's connect on LinkedIn! My LinkedIn is Hearty Hitutua.


Introduce Yourself!

Hi my name is divya and i am from india. Currently I am doing MBA in entrepreunership


Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone,

1: I work as a director 

2: Oil company

3: Everything

4: No, but am intrested in that feild 

5: No 

6: To be proffisional at that feild 


Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone!
1. I'm an Operations Associate at an edtech and looking to move into a RevOps role.

2. Education technology

3. Everything - data and insights + optimisation all day!

4. The New World of RevOps w/ Dana Therrien

5. Currently trying to learn as much as I can about RevOps

6. A forum or something to that effect


Introduce Yourself!

1. Head of Sales at the 10MARR bootstrapped company 


3. Forecasting, Revenue growth, alignment of all data points

4. BizDeva Telegram community

5. RevOps as a part of my job

6. Understand better the Revenue forecasting and budgeting


Introduce Yourself!

1. Lead Generation Leader and Junior Rev Ops


3.Revenue growth, process automation, data insights and business model analytics.


5.Setting up Hubspot with my organization

6.Progression in my knowledge 


Introduce Yourself!

Hi Mary, thanks for giving this opportuinty to learn this revops course . Myself Sasi Kumar as Revenue operations specialist at Shiled .


What's your current role?--- Revenue Operations Specalist 

  1. What industry do you currently work in?-- ITES
  2. What excites you most about Data Management & Reporting?-Data Management & Reporting excites me because of its ability to transform raw data into actionable insights. It's thrilling to see how organized data can drive informed decision-making and improve overall business performance.
  3. Do you have a favorite blog, podcast, video series, or newsletter that you would recommend to other professionals interested in Data Management & Reporting?- I highly recommend the email newsletter Morning Brew. It's a fantastic and insightful way to start the morning. 
  4. Is there any new content that you’re working on right now?-No
  5. What are you hoping to get out of this study group?-I'm Looking to learn more about RevOps and looking forward to exchanging ideas and best practices with fellow professionals in the study group. Collaboratively tackling challenges and sharing insights will help me broaden my knowledge and apply new techniques effectively in my role.

Introduce Yourself!

Hi, My name is Govind. Working at a Software development company as a Central Revenue Operations Analyst. I have been ion this field for almost 2 years. Data Management & Reporting excites me because of its ability to tell the story of what's working and what's not. It helps making impactful business decisions.


Introduce Yourself!

Data Management & Reporting excites me because of its ability to transform raw data into actionable insights. It's thrilling to see how organized data can drive informed decision-making and improve overall business performance

I highly recommend the email newsletter Morning Brew. It's a fantastic and insightful way to start the morning. 


I'm Looking to learn more about RevOps and looking forward to exchanging ideas and best practices with fellow professionals in the study group. Collaboratively tackling challenges and sharing insights will help me broaden my knowledge and apply new techniques effectively in my role.


Introduce Yourself!

Currently a student at IIFT, worked in ops, 

Data Management & Reporting excites me because of its ability to transform raw data into actionable insights. It's thrilling to see how organized data can drive informed decision-making and improve overall business performance

I highly recommend the email newsletter Morning Brew. It's a fantastic and insightful way to start the morning. 


I'm Looking to learn more about RevOps and looking forward to exchanging ideas and best practices with fellow professionals in the study group. Collaboratively tackling challenges and sharing insights will help me broaden my knowledge and apply new techniques effectively in my role.


Introduce Yourself!

Hi, I'm Julyan, a Salesforce platform developer working in the trade marketing field. I'm already working in a business operations team. I have technical knowledge in the Salesforce platform, so I want to know more about business concepts and compare the capabilities of the platforms, Hubspot and Salesforce. This is why I enroll in the Revenue Ops couse.


Introduce Yourself!



I am Elizabeth Horn working as a Business Consulting Analyst in the Private Equity industry. 


Data Management & Reporting excites me because of its ability to transform raw data into actionable insights. It's thrilling to see how organized data can drive informed decision-making and improve overall business performance

I highly recommend the email newsletter Morning Brew. It's a fantastic and insightful way to start the morning. 


I'm Looking to learn more about RevOps and looking forward to exchanging ideas and best practices with fellow professionals in the study group. Collaboratively tackling challenges and sharing insights will help me broaden my knowledge and apply new techniques effectively in my role.


Introduce Yourself!

Sore happy to exchange ideas


Introduce Yourself!

Hi! I'm Matt and I'm a digital marketing specialist that focuses on developing and maintaining the CRM system and processes at a city international marketing organisation. What excites me most about data management and reporting, is helping my colleagues to succeed in their day-to-day work by making things as smooth and easy as possible, helping us to serve our clients better. We're still very much in the infancy of adopting HubSpot and learning as a company what it means to have a smart CRM system- our main focus now is developing common ways of working and processes for using the CRM. My hopes for this group are mainly to help gain new ideas and perspectives, as well as to share the challenges we face in revops.


Lovely to meet you all 🙂


Introduce Yourself!

Hi all! 


My name is Jordan and I am a revenue operations analyst in healthcare/health and wellness. Building scalable architecture for companies to allow for sustainable and cohesive workflow gets me very excited, as I've experience firsthand the impact that good process, people, data, and otherwise can have on company culture and quality of life. Further, generating and analyzing meaningful data gets me excited as well as someone with a background in science becuase I understand the immense impact higher visibility and insightful data can have on the productivity and success of an operation. I like RevAmp podcast as a revenue operations podcast. I am working on a number of projects at the company level and personally, and I am hoping to make meaningful connections and glean insights that will support me along my journey. 

Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner

Introduce Yourself!

Welcome Jordan!

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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