Dashboards & Reporting


"Deals by last modified date 30 days" - does not display a deal when the status is modified

I am a newbie to hubspot,

I am actually puzzled why a deal modified recently does not appear in the report "Deals by last modified date".


I modify the stage of the deal and refresh the report and  the deal does not appear in the report. But when I see the last modified date in the deals dashboard it shows that it is recently updated.

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"Deals by last modified date 30 days" - does not display a deal when the status is modified



I figured out the root cause, the default report "Deals by last modified date" does not include the deals when the modified date is today, when I customized it to include deals modified today, then the deal showed up.

By default this report fetches the deals in the date range for the past 30 days excluding the deals that are modified today.




"Deals by last modified date 30 days" - does not display a deal when the status is modified

Hi vbnvaidy, I just wanted to confirm that this is correct, what you're saying. That when you're using "past 30 days" it does not include today. I ran into this when creating a dashboard for one of my clients. The description reads "The previous 30 days before today." Another option would be to use "This month" which would include today -- but I understand this doesn't work as well for rolling date range needs. -- I wonder if HubSpot could create an option that is "The previous 29-30 days and today" for the rolling date range as I've had this scenario create confusion for quite a few Clients.