Dashboards & Reporting


Wrong company associated with a deal

Someone on the team associated the wrong company to a Deal.  I've tried and looked everywhere and can't seem to find a way to fix it- except to delete the Deal and re-create it.  And that's a horrible solution as the Deal has a lot of activity associated with it. It seems like there should be a simple "edit" button to change it to the correct company.  I feel I must be missing something that's very simple.  Help!

2 Replies 2

Wrong company associated with a deal

This is changing the name of the company. 

I need to switch the company to another company.

Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

Wrong company associated with a deal

Hi @KJones50 ,

You have the option to change the company owner of the deal.

When you go to sales > select the deal. 

  • On the right hand side you see the company associated with it.
  •  If you click on the company a new page will be opened and




  •  if you click on the name of the company it gives you the option to edit the name, domain and and other details of the company associated with the deal.



Hope this helps!

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