Dashboards & Reporting


Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


I am having trouble with the table view in Dashboards on HubSpot. They are only showing the totals by Page and not the totals for the full report. Is there any way to customize this?

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Administrador de la comunidad

Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Hello @paulbab1998 


Confirmed internally and when you have a report that is measuring more than one dimension (for example like deal stage AND business type BY deal amount), the table will show the total by page rather than the overall total.  If you were looking at that report and remove either deal stage or business type, then the total row would display the overall total of the report, regardless of the page you’re on.


I hope this helps.


Stay Safe,


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Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Hello @paulbab1998 


Could you share with us a screenshot of what report you are looking to have the totals? What would be the total result you would like to see?

The more information, screenshots, and details you can provide, the better I can advise on the next steps.





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Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 2.33.40 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-05-18 at 2.34.10 PM.pngThanks Pam for your response.  The two screens show the total of page 1 and page 2 of the table view on a dashboard.  The two total lines are different beause they are only summing the reps that are visible on the page.  Only someone that knew that would know that the total line is not accurate.



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Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Hi @paulbab1998 


I think I understood what you are referring to, just to confirm you would like to see the total not the total per page correct?  Let me check internally with our resources and I will get back here once I have an update.





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Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Yes, Pam, that is exactly correct.  Total vs. Total per Page!




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Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Hello @paulbab1998 


Confirmed internally and when you have a report that is measuring more than one dimension (for example like deal stage AND business type BY deal amount), the table will show the total by page rather than the overall total.  If you were looking at that report and remove either deal stage or business type, then the total row would display the overall total of the report, regardless of the page you’re on.


I hope this helps.


Stay Safe,


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Table View on Dashboards not showing Totals


Thank you @PamCotton.  Appreciate you digging into this for me.
