I am trying to generate a report that allows me to show meetings that have been booked by AEs from a self-generated source.
The issue is that there doesn't;t appear to be a way to associate a lead source with a meeting, or to be able to report on meetings associated to deals with the correct lead sources.
To solve the ability to be able to track self gen meetings created we have introduced another deal stage that is created as soon as a meeting is booked, and then we report on the creation of the deals (because then by association, deal creation = meeting creation), but this isn't ideal because then I can't report on completed meetings using this method.
Is there any way to report on meetings created and completed associated with deals of a specific lead source or to be able to associate a source with the meeting itself?
Hey @Riley1343 , how do Sales reps booked meeting? If using HubSpot's meeting tool you could have them create a meeting link just for these outbound deals. A workflow would then auto-create the demo and the record source of the deal would show the name of this workflow making it easier to report on.
If not then you could just create a checkbox that they tick when the deal has been outbound sourced and break down your report this way.
Thanks so much for getting back to me. The reps book meetings using a meeting link and manually, so I can't rely solely on the link. I have no problem identifying a deal as outbound/ inbound, as I just segment using associated lead/ conversion sources. The issue is that I can't report on outbound meetings specifically, as I don't seem to be able to pull a report that shows meetings associated with the outbound deals, and meetings don't appear to have any lead source/ differentiator that would allow me to isolate them as self-generated. I can either report on deals or meetings, but not both. Is there any way to do this?