Mar 31, 20172:54 AM - last edited on Apr 6, 20174:56 PM by MayPascaud
Report of dates and times spent in deal stage
I woul dlike to evaluate how long a deal stays in one stage for example how long it took our sales person to go from contatcting a cutsomer to giving them a quotation? If i go into a deal, the information is there. It shows:
Deal XYZ moved to S2 - Quotation December 7th at 2:43 pm
How do I view this information in a report for all deals lodaded?
Now that you can enroll deals in workflows, this is so much easier.
Create a Date Picker deal property. I called mine "Date entered current deal stage" (super exciting name, right...).
Write a Deal-based workflow that looks like this:
Enrollment criteria = Deal stage - has been updated in the last 1 day AND Deal stage - is any of (enter one deal stage name here - and only will see why later).
Set a property value - Set a date stamp for Date entered current deal stage (or whatever you named your field).
Then clone it and make a workflow for every deal stage you have.
Why not just make a workflow that is only based off of Deal stage - has been updated in the last 1 day - you ask? Because right now there is no re-enrollment of deals into a workflow. Sooooo the first time it runs through that workflow will be its last. This is why we make workflows for each stage.
Note: This isn't foolproof. Because there is no re-enrollment, if you have a rep who likes to move things in and out of the same deal stage, this date is going to reflect the last date they moved the deal into a stage for the first time. So say Elliott moves a deal from A to B to A - the date is going to reflect the date they moved the deal into B. If they then move it into C, the date will be updated to reflect that date...but if they move it back into B it will still reflect the C date. Get it? (Got it!) Good.
THIS IS NOW AN EXPORTABLE FILED! No more messing with APIs and trying to convert unix timestamps. So you can export a list of deals from HubSpot and then use sheets or excel to do a quick formula displaying the time between the Date entered current deal stage and the current date.
This is still a manual process at the end of the day, and it isn't foolproof because you can't re-enroll deals, but hot **bleep** is it better than pulling the Date entered date from the API...especially for us non-super-techie folk.
One of the free add on tools from has a pipeline velocity feature. There some other good add ons as well. I think everything is free at the moment.
Create new properties for each deal stage call them {"timestamp - [deal stage name]}. Set the properties as date properties.
Create a workflow that timestmaps the new property when a stage is moved.
Example, If deal stage is opp yes, then set "timestamp - opp" to date of step no, if deal stage reached out yes, then set "timestamp - opp" to date of step etc..
You can then create rules around how long sales deals are lagging in stages.
Our app, Sales Rep Scorecards, calculates the amount of time that deals are spending in each stage automatically. The app is available through the HubSpot Connect directory.
You can visualize this in Gantt charts like the screenshot below, either overall, or by sales rep. You can also export your deal data to see the dates each deal moved into every stage.
Tracking the amount of time HubSpot deals spend in each deal stage
Will this work if we do not have sales reps but a contact centre all working on deals and stages? We just need to see how long each deal is in a stage as per the Pipedrive example.
Will your software be able to show us deal time in stage?
Now that you can enroll deals in workflows, this is so much easier.
Create a Date Picker deal property. I called mine "Date entered current deal stage" (super exciting name, right...).
Write a Deal-based workflow that looks like this:
Enrollment criteria = Deal stage - has been updated in the last 1 day AND Deal stage - is any of (enter one deal stage name here - and only will see why later).
Set a property value - Set a date stamp for Date entered current deal stage (or whatever you named your field).
Then clone it and make a workflow for every deal stage you have.
Why not just make a workflow that is only based off of Deal stage - has been updated in the last 1 day - you ask? Because right now there is no re-enrollment of deals into a workflow. Sooooo the first time it runs through that workflow will be its last. This is why we make workflows for each stage.
Note: This isn't foolproof. Because there is no re-enrollment, if you have a rep who likes to move things in and out of the same deal stage, this date is going to reflect the last date they moved the deal into a stage for the first time. So say Elliott moves a deal from A to B to A - the date is going to reflect the date they moved the deal into B. If they then move it into C, the date will be updated to reflect that date...but if they move it back into B it will still reflect the C date. Get it? (Got it!) Good.
THIS IS NOW AN EXPORTABLE FILED! No more messing with APIs and trying to convert unix timestamps. So you can export a list of deals from HubSpot and then use sheets or excel to do a quick formula displaying the time between the Date entered current deal stage and the current date.
This is still a manual process at the end of the day, and it isn't foolproof because you can't re-enroll deals, but hot **bleep** is it better than pulling the Date entered date from the API...especially for us non-super-techie folk.
Sorry I'm very new to hubspot and am self taught on all of this. Where do I go to set the date stamp property? I can't find the option when I'm setting up the workflow.
Yeah - you can make a Date Picker deal property for every deal stage you have, and in the workflows you can have it set the deal property for that stage instead of setting and resetting a field.
Yeah, using the steps that one of the posters (erijohn) put up - It is a PITA....but more accurate, since using deal workflows to set date fields only works the first time the deal enters that stage. Once we are able to re-enroll deals in workflows then this way will be just as accurate, and infinitely more accessible.
HubSpot does a good job of reporting Time in Stage (after the deal has moved out of the stage) in it's own reporting system. The only reason I needed to pull from the API was to find time in CURRENT deal stage.
So, you wouldn't have the ability to build such a report under your current free subscription.
However, there is a report within our Reporting Add-On that accomplishes this goal: it is called "Time in deal stage" and allows you to view the average time during which a deal stays in each stage. Here is what it looks like in the reporting add-on dashboard:
We use the average deal in stage report, but need to see each deal's time in stage as you can in Pipedrive. Is this spossible? If not, can the date from when deal entered a stage be exported?