From the Report Library I can't find a report showing how much revenue could be potentially closed compared to all my deals. My target is to get a current year view, month by month, of how many deals could be finalized (independently by deal stage).
The report named "Deal closed totals vs. goal" shows me a similar report, but it's limited to the "closed amount in company currency". I need to get not only the closed amount (so the deals in "closed won" stage) but all the active deals (included in all stages) to get a view with potential revenue during the current year, month by month.
Ahh I see, without upgrading to a professional licence you're not currently able to edit reports in the builder. Because of this, I don't believe it's currently possible to display the report you're after. I think the best you're able to do is use the report I suggested and change the date range month by month so that you're able to report on it that way.
Ahh I see, without upgrading to a professional licence you're not currently able to edit reports in the builder. Because of this, I don't believe it's currently possible to display the report you're after. I think the best you're able to do is use the report I suggested and change the date range month by month so that you're able to report on it that way.
I just wanted to jump in here and ask whether you've seen the report 'Deal revenue forecast by stages' which provides you with the forecasted amount in each deal stage.