Dashboards & Reporting


Monthly recurring revenues from line items




I am using line items to parameter recurring deals as this is not an available feature.

The amount our clients chose to give our company each month is very variable.

They can chose to set a campaign amount to 1000 for two months and then decrease it to 800.


This is how I would do it:

If I set up a line item of 1000 monthly recurring amount with a two-months term with the following start date: 01.08.2021 and then create a line item of 800 with no term with the following start date: 01.10.2021

-> Monthly recurring amount shows 1800$ which is wrong because it should be only 800$


Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks a lot

Capture d’écran 2021-10-15 à 10.33.55.png

1 Solution acceptée
Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Elite
Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Elite

Monthly recurring revenues from line items


Agreed! It looks like there is a post for this in the ideas forum, and it's at the stage "In Planning", so fingers crossed it will be available in the future!

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5 Réponses

Monthly recurring revenues from line items


Hi thank you very much for your answer, but re-creating a deal almost every month is not really what we want to do as it will affect our prospective reporting: deal closed by month by rep, deal close rates, etc... 


I think just having the possibility to add change to the recurring revenues so it only reflects on the future and not on the past is just missing as all revenues are tied to a close date. Even if they are recurring, the revenues don't apply every month and for us it becomes just useless... 

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Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Elite
Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Elite

Monthly recurring revenues from line items


Agreed! It looks like there is a post for this in the ideas forum, and it's at the stage "In Planning", so fingers crossed it will be available in the future!

Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Elite
Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Elite

Monthly recurring revenues from line items


I think the issue here is that "monthly recurring revenue" is meant to capture a consistent recurring revenue amount -- which is the opposite of what you are intending to capture, because your revenue amounts are inconsistent. 

What we instead need to do is create a new deal every time the recurring revenue changes as well as set the old deal to inactive. Here are step-by-step directions for managing a shift in monthly revenue amount:


  • In the existing deal's Recurring revenue inactive date property, select the date of upgrade or downgrade.
  • In the existing deal's Recurring revenue inactive reason property, select either Upgrade or Downgrade.
  • Click Save.
  • Then, re-create the deal and select Upgrade or Downgrade as the Recurring revenue deal type. Enter the updated total amount in the Recurring revenue amount field.

This info and more can be found in HubSpot's KB article: Track recurring revenue in HubSpot

Gestionnaire de communauté
Gestionnaire de communauté

Monthly recurring revenues from line items


Hi @MatthieuDumont 


Thank you for reaching out.


I want to tag some of our experts on this - @NicoleSengers @ConnorSlivensky @danmoyle do you have any thoughts for @MatthieuDumont on this? 


Thank you!



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Monthly recurring revenues from line items


Any suggestions?

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