How do you attribute your inbound and outbound across company, deal and lead objects
Hi there,
Can someone explain what they do?
Setting up our sales process but want to make sure I clearly am able to attirbute the right stages along the lead, deal and company objects.
I want to know what inbound or marketing email, or sales walk in is being qualified or disqualified as a lead but also what deal stages these companies are falling off.
Should I associate the attribution at a company level or where?
How do you attribute your inbound and outbound across company, deal and lead objects
Hey @LKelman building your data model framework can clear out your doubts. This guide from RevOps Partners can help you a lot doing that 🙂
If you want to go more hands on and check how to implement an attribution model on Hubspot check this articles I've made for a detailed step-by-step guide.
How do you attribute your inbound and outbound across company, deal and lead objects
Hey @LKelman building your data model framework can clear out your doubts. This guide from RevOps Partners can help you a lot doing that 🙂
If you want to go more hands on and check how to implement an attribution model on Hubspot check this articles I've made for a detailed step-by-step guide.