Dashboards & Reporting


Goal Setting Error

I am trying to set goals but at the last stage I'm getting the following error and can't work out how to fix it. Can aanyone helpScreenshot 2023-07-28 at 10.09.37.png

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Goal Setting Error

Has anyone else figured this out? I've tried setting the goal various ways (monthly and yearly), tried all kinds of variations on that last goal notification screen, updated my Google Chrome browser, tried it on Firefox... no dice.

Bummer, I'd love to get my annual revenue goal in here. =\

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Goal Setting Error

Hello @M1tesh ,


It's really strange. I do not see any issue as far, I would suggest you to ask from the hubspot if still the issue persists. But I think if you try after sometime it will works. 


Thank you 

Shubham Nigam