Dashboards & Reporting


Filtering out Child companies from a custom report

I am trying to get a report running where I would filter out companies that has the Child association label and only have companies with the Parent label or no label.


For that I understand that I would need to edit the data sources to have the parent-child association label to filter with. 

I've selected the Association for the report to be Parent to Child. https://prnt.sc/LoWrE6mlyD_s


The report seems to just duplicates the Parent data per child account. https://prnt.sc/7OQ2hQzNHmZ2

And I haven't event applied a filter to get rid of child accounts. But if I did the table would be empty. 


How could I just get the data on Parent accounts? What am I missing here?





2 Replies 2
Key Advisor

Filtering out Child companies from a custom report

Hi @BalintSipos 


What exactly are you doing in the "aggregated persona count" property?

Is that a calculated property? Or what are you doing there?




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Frank Steiner

Marketeer | HubSpot Expert | CRM Consultant


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Filtering out Child companies from a custom report

Yes, it's a calculated property. What it does is aggregates the number of contacts that have a specific Persona in the account. So it would tell me how many of each persona we have available in that account, and show what personas are missing. 


Contacts have their primary associations to the Parent accounts (as we want to use Parent accounts in general for data, activity tracking etc.) so everything is essentially available there. Child company data should be filtered out. 
This is really the main thing I am trying to achieve in the report. Just filtering out child accounts.