Different filters for different datasets in same stacked bar
Wondering if there's a way to create two different filters for different bars in the same stacked bar.
I'm trying to show total meetings by quarter for this year compared to meetings with a particular company (or companies) in those quarters in the same stacked bar.
It sounds like you are looking to see if it's possible to apply two different filters to the same stacked bar in a bar chart.
Could you share a screenshot of what you have built so far in HubSpot? Have you tried applying the filters to the Y-Axis? The more context you can share on what you have tried building so far in HubSpot, the better the Community can assist with advice. Thank you!
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Different filters for different datasets in same stacked bar
Thanks, Kristen.
To your first question, I am actually trying to apply different filters to different bars in the same stacked or unstacked bar. Basically, I want to show total number of meetings by quarter in 2023 compared to number of meetings with a particular set of partners by quarter. I have this set of partner companies in an active list I've created.
The screenshot I'm including shows unstacked and is only filtering meeting activity by quarter for this year.