Dashboards & Reporting


Count of one to one emails sent, excluding sequences

Hello everyone,


I am looking to create a report to measure the sales team's email output which does not include sequence emails.

 I spent a lot of time on customer builder, using Activities as my primary source, and Contacts as a secondary source.

 I find that I can easily count the number of emails sent (activity type = emails sent to contact) but I am struggling to separate out from this count those emails which were sent as part of a sequence.

 If I try to filter out these sequence emails from the country by using the contact property "number of sequences enrolled = unknown" this removes from the count all emails to a contact who has previously been sent been part of a sequence, BUT any non sequence emails as well, since the property applies to contacts not to the activity email count specifically. So If a contact has received a series of  sequence emails, and then later a non sequence email, all of the emails would be missing from my report.

 Any advise on this would be great

 TDLR How to separate emails sent as part of a sequence from a one to one email count.






3 Replies 3

Count of one to one emails sent, excluding sequences

I filter out Sequence emails by manually filtering out each of their subject lines - we only have a few, so doing that isn't terrible. I wish there was a one-click way to do this. 


Count of one to one emails sent, excluding sequences

To separate emails sent as part of a sequence from individual emails, you can use a combination of activity filtering and contact properties. Here's how you can approach it:

  1. Start by filtering activities to count the number of emails sent. Use the activity type "Emails Sent to Contact" in your report.

  2. To exclude sequence emails, you can create a custom contact property specifically for this purpose. For example, create a property called "Enrolled in Sequence" with a default value of "No."

  3. Whenever a contact is enrolled in a sequence, update their "Enrolled in Sequence" property to "Yes." You can automate this using workflows or use HubSpot's APIs.

  4. When sending one-to-one emails, ensure that the "Enrolled in Sequence" property is set to "No" for those contacts.

  5. Finally, in your report, filter out the contacts where "Enrolled in Sequence" is set to "Yes." This will exclude any sequence emails from your count.

By following these steps, you'll be able to separate the emails sent as part of a sequence from one-to-one emails in your report effectively.


Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Count of one to one emails sent, excluding sequences

@TomasVR wrote:
  1. Finally, in your report, filter out the contacts where "Enrolled in Sequence" is set to "Yes." This will exclude any sequence emails from your count.

By following these steps, you'll be able to separate the emails sent as part of a sequence from one-to-one emails in your report effectively.

I'm not sure I'm following you here. Wouldn't this just filter out the contacts that are currently (at the time of report) enrolled in a sequence, regardless of whether they have been emailed to as part of a sequence in the past?