Dashboards & Reporting


Contacts or Companies with no activity

Hey, all.  I've been asked to create a report that shows either Contacts or Companies which have not had a call or meeting for 30/60/90 days.  The problem I'm finding though is that the filters in the reports don't really support this.  I can filter by Last Activity Date, but that only gets me so far.  If I choose Is Last = 30/60/90 days, that finds me contacts/companies that HAVE had a contact during those ranges.  I'm trying to find records that HAVEN'T had an activity during that period.  We're trying to find clients that need reached out to, so I'd have to think HubSpot has some way of finding these less-active records that need contacting.  Am I missing something?





Update: If you choose to create a Cross-object report, you CAN get to "Activity Date is more than X days ago".  But that's unfortunately not the same as Last Activity Date.

14 Respostas 14

Contacts or Companies with no activity

I have this same issue and the accepted solution does nopt address the original question. I don't understand why it was accepted. Last Activity includes sales emails. If you want a report of  either Contacts or Companies which have not had a call or meeting for 30/60/90 days, you can't use Last Activity or Last Contact because they both include emails sent. For a Sales Manager and/or a Custoemer Success TEam Manager, you want to know the Customer Companies which have not had a call or meeting in the last X number of days. Hubspot does not know how to create reports that aare useful to Sales Managers. They really should create an advisory council of Sales Managers. 

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Contacts or Companies with no activity

Following up here with a request that Contacts should have the same Report options as Deals for Last Activity Date:


Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 2.59.22 PM.png


That's from a Deal report config. Would be ideal to be able to do a Contact or Company report with the same options.


In the meantime, I did solve this problem using Workflows. See https://community.hubspot.com/t5/HubSpot-Ideas/Rolling-Date-for-dashboard-reports/idc-p/626263#M1112... for the solution.

Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Contacts or Companies with no activity

Thanks for sharing, @jaygoldman

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Contacts or Companies with no activity

I did add that filter @craigh but like you said I still have the issue of it not picking up the ones with no activity even if I put "or activity date is unknown".  I had a go in the new report builder but that just counts total number of companies and the filters don't seem to work - I've left that with my Hubspot account manager, if we get a resolution I will let you know 🙂



Contacts or Companies with no activity


You can add the filter "Call or Meeting Type", if you are using those fields to eliminate the Tasks and Emails.  But that does not solve the probablem inregards to reporting on companies without Meetings (or total companies without (x) data in the last 30 days).


Contacts or Companies with no activity

I have the same issue - I created a cross object report for calls and meetings but it doesn't pick up on the companies with no activity. If I use last activity date this also includes emails - we don't want to include emails or tasks we only want to measure calls and meetings - why is this not possible - it is massively frustrating  and an integral part of sales management


Contacts or Companies with no activity

Is it possible to have this dynamicalli changing? I'm looking to have the same report but I don't have an exact date. I'd like to be sure that I've been in touch wih my contacts every 14 days.


Is it possible to make a report that has all the contacts where the last contacted date is more than 14 days?

Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Contacts or Companies with no activity

Hi @adamgor 


This is not a functionality of the tool at the moment, I'd recommend upvoting this idea in our Ideas Forum. 


Thank you!


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Contacts or Companies with no activity

Hi @rjohnsonM3 

You are on the right track with "last activity date" 

Use the feature .. last activity date is before ...30/60/90 days to get the companies with no activity in that period. 

Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 11.29.02 AM.png

Hope this helps
Thank you.
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Contacts or Companies with no activity

Hi @rjohnsonM3 

I am not sure I understood what issue are you facing with the " Last activity date"?

Anyway here are the 3 columns that will help you: Use either one of these to get your 'activity/in-activity' report. 


  • Last activity date: the last date and time of a note, call, sales email, meeting, complete task, or chat on the contact's record. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the date/time set for an activity when it's logged on the record. For example, if a user logs a call today for a call that occurred previously, the Last activity date property in the record will show today's date.
  • Next activity date: the date of the next upcoming activity for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record. This includes logging a future call, sales email, meeting, scheduling a future meeting, or scheduling a task to be done in the future.
  • Last contacted: the last time a chat conversation, call, sales email, or meeting was logged for this contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the latest date of the activities in the record. For example, the Last contacted property in the record will show yesterday's date when a user logs a call that occurred the day before.


I believe if you set the " last activity date" [ is before ] 30/60/90 days, you'll be able to get to accounts that had no activity in the last 30/60/90 days. 

Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 11.29.02 AM.png

Please send a follow-up question with the exact issue you are facing so that I can better understand your question and provide a more custom solution. 

Hope this helps
Thank you.
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Contacts or Companies with no activity

I'm having the same issue as @rjohnsonM3 

The suggested solution works based on a snapshot of time as you have to enter the exact date into the filter. What I think @rjohnsonM3 and I are both after is a filter that you can setup on a rolling basis. i.e Show me all Companies that have not had contact in the last 60/90 days or even X Months would be sufficient. That way you can set it up once and continue to use it to ensure no contacts drop off the radar for too long. 


Contacts or Companies with no activity

Thank you for answering this post, which is a challange many of us are tryoig to resolve.  Unfortunately this solution does not create a rolling report, nor does it allow you to see the number of accounts at each interval of 30/60/90 without creating 3 reports.  I tried creating it with the required date property being Last Activity is 90 days but that showed 0 companies, when I know there are  a few. This is basic stuff for Sales management. I'm surprised Hubspot doesn't have a built-in report for it.




Contacts or Companies with no activity

Hey, all.  I would like to create a report that shows Contacts  which have not had any call or meeting all time.
How to do so?



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Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Contacts or Companies with no activity

Hi @Aisnard 


I want to tag some of our experts on this - @Mike_Eastwood @mikedupuy @AdamLPW do you have any thoughts to share with @Aisnard on this? 


Thank you!


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