Our instance of HS has only 1300 records. We have maybe 70 features (columns). This is a very small data frame. The report builder limits me to 20 features/ report. How can I download the entire data frame as one file?
Hey @MPorst, thanks for reaching out! This is a great question.
If you're trying to export your records from the default contact or company view, HubSpot is going to export your current view (which likely will not include all of your individual properties).
However, the List tool gives you the option to export lists with all of your properties applied. You can create the needed list (maybe you can just say "Create Date" = "Known" or something like that to pull in all records), then click on Export list:
From there, be sure to check the Select all properties box:
You'll then be able to grab a CSV/XLS file containing all of your records and their values across all of your properties.