Dashboards & Reporting


CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


Hey folks. 

I have a very long pipeline with many deal stages. And we need a report in our dashboard for the conversion rate between three deal stages ("first contact", "offer sent", "deal closed"). For certain reasons, not all deals go through ALL deal stages.
If I now create a funnel report with a bar chart and create it with the three desired deal stages, then not all deals are shown in the “deal closed” stage. I assume this is because some deals have skipped one or more stages between the three stages.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to configure the funnel report so that deals that have skippednstages are also displayed?
And if this is not possible, would there be the option of using a workflow to set some dealstage-related property for the deals that have skipped stages so that the report looks as if the deal has gone through all stages?
Or whether such a conversion rate report can also be created with the custom report builder?

Many thanks in advance!

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


Hi @CMarschner,


A funnel report is the right way to approach this, but unfortunately, if deals have consistently skipped stages, then your options are limited.


You can make the middle steps optional...




... but not the first and last stage. In other words, you'll be able to see how many deals...

  • Started in first contact, moved to offer sent, then to deal closed
  • Started in first contact, then to deal closed


Any other movements will not be shown in the report (specifically offer sent to deal closed, with first contact skipped).


There is also no option to backfill this information historically via a workflow. HubSpot automatically sets the date information when a deal moves into a stage and it cannot be edited in any way or form.


Try the above and that should get you closer to your goal. I'm not aware of any ways to work around the mentioned limitations.


Also make sure that you pick the right date range in the report, this might also limit how much data you see. The report is autofiltered by deals entering the first defined stage (first contact) within the selected date range. Any deals entering the stage before or after will not be shown.


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


@CMarschner es werden wie gesagt nur Deals in den Bericht aufgenommen, die innerhalb des gefilterten Zeitraums (also in diesem Fall ab 1.1.2024) in die erste Phase eingetreten sind. Dieses Verhalten lässt sich nicht ändern, das ist eine zwingende Bedingung. (Weitere Filter nützen hier nicht, weil sie die Zahl der Deals ja nur begrenzen, nicht erweitern können.) Es ist also in anderen Worten nicht möglich, Deals in die Anzeige aufzunehmen, die außerhalb des Zeitraums liegen oder die erste Phase übersprungen haben. Sollte es Deals geben, die die Bedingungen erfüllen, aber nicht angezeigt werden, dann wäre das ein Bug und ich würde empfehlen, auf den HubSpot-Support zuzugehen.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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6 Replies 6

CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


Hallo @karstenkoehler.

Thank you very much for your quick reply!
I tried setting the middle step to “optional”, but I still don't get all the deals in the last phase that should be displayed. A “3” is now displayed that is not assigned to any of the three deal stages.
Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 11.49.32.png

In fact, the employee for whom I have set a filter has 28 deals in the final pipeline.
Can I set any filters for the three deal stages that will allow me to display the conversion rate correctly with all deals even if deal stages are skipped?
Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 11.47.57.png

Many thanks in advance!

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


@CMarschner es werden wie gesagt nur Deals in den Bericht aufgenommen, die innerhalb des gefilterten Zeitraums (also in diesem Fall ab 1.1.2024) in die erste Phase eingetreten sind. Dieses Verhalten lässt sich nicht ändern, das ist eine zwingende Bedingung. (Weitere Filter nützen hier nicht, weil sie die Zahl der Deals ja nur begrenzen, nicht erweitern können.) Es ist also in anderen Worten nicht möglich, Deals in die Anzeige aufzunehmen, die außerhalb des Zeitraums liegen oder die erste Phase übersprungen haben. Sollte es Deals geben, die die Bedingungen erfüllen, aber nicht angezeigt werden, dann wäre das ein Bug und ich würde empfehlen, auf den HubSpot-Support zuzugehen.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


Abermals danke für die schnelle Antwort! 
Ich verstehe nun besser wie der funnel report funktioniert. 

Gibt es keine andere Art von Bericht, die ich verwenden kann (z. B. den "Benutzerdefinierter Berichtdesigner"), um die conversion rate korrekt darstellen zu können auch wenn Dealphasen übersprungen wurden?
Oder muss ich mich damit abfinden, dass ich ab sofort nicht erlaube, dass Dealphasen übersprungen werden können, damit der funnel report korrekt ist?

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


@CMarschner Letztgenanntes – es gibt keinen Weg, in HubSpot Konversionsraten darzustellen, wenn Phasen übersprungen wurden. Die Daten lassen sich auch nicht nachpflegen und nativ gibt es hier leider keine Workarounds. Du könntest die Daten exportieren und außerhalb von HubSpot visualisieren, aber die Berichts-Tools in HubSpot sind in dieser Hinsicht schlicht limitiert.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


@karstenkoehler Vielen Dank! Ich werde die Pipeline nun so modifizieren, dass es nicht gestattet es Dealphasen zu überspringen. 

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CR funnel report with ommitted deal stages


Hi @CMarschner,


A funnel report is the right way to approach this, but unfortunately, if deals have consistently skipped stages, then your options are limited.


You can make the middle steps optional...




... but not the first and last stage. In other words, you'll be able to see how many deals...

  • Started in first contact, moved to offer sent, then to deal closed
  • Started in first contact, then to deal closed


Any other movements will not be shown in the report (specifically offer sent to deal closed, with first contact skipped).


There is also no option to backfill this information historically via a workflow. HubSpot automatically sets the date information when a deal moves into a stage and it cannot be edited in any way or form.


Try the above and that should get you closer to your goal. I'm not aware of any ways to work around the mentioned limitations.


Also make sure that you pick the right date range in the report, this might also limit how much data you see. The report is autofiltered by deals entering the first defined stage (first contact) within the selected date range. Any deals entering the stage before or after will not be shown.


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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