Dashboards & Reporting


Build report for forms based on last submission date


I'm looking for a way to build a report that can filter forms by last submission date. I was seeing comments that there is a "Forms" page under Analytics Tools but I'm not seeing it - Has it been moved under something else? Is there a way to accomplish this within Hubspot without using the API? 

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum

Build report for forms based on last submission date


Ah! Well to be honest the easiest way to do that would just be through the forms reporting tool. If you go into marketing > forms > Analyze then filter by your specific date (let's say the past year) at the top. You'll see a table at the bottom listing all your forms, if you simply click on submissions you can change how it's arranging them, click once and it'll show most submissions to least, click that column header again and it'll show least submissions to most, so it will show all forms that have had 0 submissions within your date range at the top! 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Build report for forms based on last submission date


In case anyone comes across this post and is looking to do something similar to me, thought I'd share a solution I happened upon today. 

In the HubSpot Reports tool, you can only filter by number of form submissions, but I wanted to see a list of deals where the associated contact had filled in a form within a specific date range (last quarter). The way I managed to achieve that was to create a contact list where the filter was on form submission, and then I used the "Refine filter" option to include the date range - see screenshots for reference. 

I then used that contact list as a filter on the deals report. 









Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum

Build report for forms based on last submission date


Hey @fierceweek strange I was sure I saw that as a column in the forms dashboard too but I can't seem to find a way to filter forms by last submission date now. 


One workaround you could do however is to filter contacts by their last submission date. This would be under the property "recent conversion date" this would be the last time a contact has submit a form. Within your contacts view if you add a column for "recent conversion date" you can click on this to filter by the most recent to oldest, showing the contact who has submit a form most recently, you can also use the property "recent conversion" to show the name of the form that they converted on. This would be the quickest way to find the most recent converting form, but you could also use this property within custom reports if you wish to have a consistent visual report on these.

Hope this helps! 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Build report for forms based on last submission date


Thanks for looking at this! I'm looking to run a report on forms that haven't had any recent submissions in the past year to share with the team with the end-goal of cleaning them up. I really wish the Forms page had some sort of filter for last submission vs an aggregated total. 

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum

Build report for forms based on last submission date


Ah! Well to be honest the easiest way to do that would just be through the forms reporting tool. If you go into marketing > forms > Analyze then filter by your specific date (let's say the past year) at the top. You'll see a table at the bottom listing all your forms, if you simply click on submissions you can change how it's arranging them, click once and it'll show most submissions to least, click that column header again and it'll show least submissions to most, so it will show all forms that have had 0 submissions within your date range at the top! 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Build report for forms based on last submission date


THAT was really helpful! I was using the form totals default report but it doesn't save by ascending order. It's really weird that it doesn't let me flip the order and save it in place.


By going through the Analyze tab, I was able to flip it to save as a report for a dashboard. It's a shame that it doesn't have the export option within Analyze though.

Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum

Build report for forms based on last submission date


Definitely! I don't think most HubSpot tools svae by the column organisation unfortunately a little bit annoying! 

But hey! More of a reason to ensure everything is kept clean 😂

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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