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I don't understand how all of 0-6 can be Detractors, 7-8 Passive and 9-10 Promotors. Seems to really skew the results. Yes, it sets a high bar, but at the same time, leaves little room for error on the customers side. I am seeing positive messages from Detractors and Passives, but they may not think the scale is logarithmic. To me, anything above a 5 would be passive to positive in nature.
The Net Promoter system of management and Net Promoter Score (NPS) metric is DEFINED by the original creator -- Fred Reichheld -- not by individual companies using the metric (HubSpot included).
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
The Net Promoter system of management and Net Promoter Score (NPS) metric is DEFINED by the original creator -- Fred Reichheld -- not by individual companies using the metric (HubSpot included).
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.