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I'd like to add some additional questions to the "Assess your Support Service" CES question survey. I don't see a way to do this within the Customer Support CES survey module as it seems to allow just this one question and then some comments.
I have been working through a Custom Survey and can build out the questions I'd like to ask. However, I'm not finding a way to make the Recipients based on Pipeline ticket closed status like I can in the Customer Support CES survey module.
Any ideas on how to build a Customer Survey Recipients Filter that would act the same as the Support CES survey and auto-send once a pipeline ticket is closed?
Ticket Status is a HubSpot Property which actually contains all ticket statuses names you create. So if you want to add one more status you need to add one more status here like in this screenshot.
After adding this you will get one more new option your ticket status property.
I hope this will help you. If you find this helpful please mark this as a solution.
Ticket Status is a HubSpot Property which actually contains all ticket statuses names you create. So if you want to add one more status you need to add one more status here like in this screenshot.
After adding this you will get one more new option your ticket status property.
I hope this will help you. If you find this helpful please mark this as a solution.
I still don't understand or have confidence in these options. How do I get it to only send to newly closed cases, not every case that has ever been closed as that is what is seems to want to do. I thought of adding an "AND" criteria of the ticket close date being after today or 'less than 1 day ago', but that did not change the 'estimated recipients' number. It still wants to send on every old case.
All I want is it to trigger on each case closure and send the custom survey to the contact who submitted the ticket. I want it to re-trigger if the same customer puts in another ticket. The options to do this are not descriptive or clear enough as to what they will actually do. I don't want to blast everyone in the company, I don't want it to blast for every old case, I only want a simple 1 to 1 relationship of the ticket, the ticket submitter, and the survey sent.
With the help of our HubSpot professional services guru, we figured out how to do this. We setup a custom contact property where we set it to a value of 1 when a ticket is closed, then after a delay, we set it back to empty. The Custom Survey's filter only sends the survey if that Contact Custom property has a value of 1, so the key is to time your Custom Survey to be sent while that value will be a 1. I also added in a trigger in my workflow to not set the value to 1 if that field has had a change within the last 14 days, this is how I don't survey a contact more than once within a 14 day period. You can play with time periods as you see fit for your preferences. Here are screenshots of my Workflow and of my Custom Survey filter for reference:
août 31, 202110:42 AM - modifié août 31, 20214:27 PM
Create a Multi question Customer Support Survey
[Edited/Updated]. I'm new to Hubspot, just realized we've updated our "Close" to use "Resolved". So I'm good on this. I think this will work now with the filtering.
hmm, oddly, I do have a Support Pipeline, but I don't have a Closed (Support Pipeline) option that shows up under Ticket Status. Any ideas?