Por: Miembro | Partner nivel Diamond
450 Vistas
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Hello everyone !

I have a problem with image in a repeater option in a module used for custom quote.

In the module preview, i see correctely the json of image :


{size_type=auto, src=https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/2661910/DW/Copie%20de%20diamond-badge-color.svg, alt=Copie de diamond-badge-color, loading=lazy, width=400, height=400, max_width=400, max_height=400}


But in the quote I get :


{"size_type":"auto","src":"https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/2661910/DW/Copie%20de%20diamond-badge-color.svg","alt":"Copie de diamond-badge-color","loading":"lazy","width":400,"height":400,"max_width":400,"max_height":400}


So I can’t get src of image as always : module.image_field.src


Here is my test chart, with an image in repeater and image simple, from the module preview :
Module preview.png


The same code but in the quote :

Module in quote.png


Thank you in advance for your help,



Por: Equipo de producto de HubSpot
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With some simple architecture changes, we're going to unlock huge value for our custom quote/proposal community. Read on to learn how to take advantage of the new features!

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We're introducing a new version of the functionality which will lay the ground work for a substantially better experience for all involved. Help us name one of the key concepts.

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This is an invite-only group for beta users of this new feature. We've also got some HubSpotters here to help wherever we can. Please read this announcement as it sets the expectations and will help us help you.

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