Custom Quote Template Beta

Membro | Parceiro
Membro | Parceiro

Landscape mode in Custom Quote

Hello there. We're so new to this beta feature and we need help 🙂
Do you think it is possible to make the custom quote in landscape mode; both the quote itself and downloadable pdf, too?

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Orientador(a) | Parceiro
Orientador(a) | Parceiro

Landscape mode in Custom Quote

Have you tried adjusting the print CSS styles with something like this? I haven't tried this in an actual HubSpot quote but something like this should work.

@media print {
   /*  sets printed page landscape and no margin so color bleeds to edge */
   @page {
      size: landscape;


Here is a Codepen example you can experiment with:

Try printing this live page: Shot 2022-05-12 at 5.57.37 AM.png



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