Content Strategy & SEO


URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea




We're currently going through a rebrand and some suggestions were proposed to incorporate the brand into the URL and vice versa. For example, YourBrand.xx where "xx" is something like .co, .llc, .app, etc... 


From a branding perspective I don't love the .xx being a part of the brand/logo but I can think about how this could impactful in some cases. 


Looking to see if anyone has some similiar experience and/or some pros and cons for doing it or not doing. 


For example....


  • If brand awareness is strong, typing the brand name into a search will direct you right to the page, improving direct traffic


  • From a branding perspective, it seems unnecessary, long winded, and potentially confusing. 


Would love to hear any and all thoughts and experiences. Thanks! 

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Recognized Expert | Gold Partner

URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi @jasonzimmermann 


Years ago Google recognised people were buying branded domain names (even common mis-spellings) to use the domain for SEO. So, like any other time people try and cheat Google, they reduced the weight of the brand name in the domain name.


However, in my experience, if you follow best practices with SEO and use the brand name in the Page Title, H1, first paragraph, alt tag, etc. it will work in your favour.


Personally I recommend optimising for your Company Name paired with the Brand Name to create the associations. For example:


Your Company Name – Brand Name – Product Name


If you use WordPress it's worth splashing out and getting Yoast Pro (to help you with combinations of Keywords). If your website is in HubSpot then the Keyword Tool will help you out.


Have fun



p.s. thank you for the mention @JessicaH 

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Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi @jasonzimmermann ,


Great question! This is what my colleague with more branding expertise has to say about it: 


Personally, I feel that including .xx in your brand name, is only a good choice when it refers to the type of product your offer. A good example is, where it makes sense to include .com in the brand name, because the service/product is essentialy a website. It gives you an opportunity to turn generic words or phrases into a brand name, just by including .xx.


In other cases I think it would be confusing to deviate from the usual .com. (You would need really really strond branding for people to remember to type in something different then .com. )



Kind regards,



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URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi Jason,


I absolutely agree with Mike and Nynke. 


I wanted to share with you this great guide on choosing a domain name if you are still in the decision-making process:


To sum up: Make your domain rememberable and don't think too much about including a brand name or keyword in your domain Smiley Happy

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URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea



This picture explains exactly how domains name should be named.

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5 Replies 5

URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea



This picture explains exactly how domains name should be named.


URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi Jason,


I absolutely agree with Mike and Nynke. 


I wanted to share with you this great guide on choosing a domain name if you are still in the decision-making process:


To sum up: Make your domain rememberable and don't think too much about including a brand name or keyword in your domain Smiley Happy

Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi @jasonzimmermann ,


Great question! This is what my colleague with more branding expertise has to say about it: 


Personally, I feel that including .xx in your brand name, is only a good choice when it refers to the type of product your offer. A good example is, where it makes sense to include .com in the brand name, because the service/product is essentialy a website. It gives you an opportunity to turn generic words or phrases into a brand name, just by including .xx.


In other cases I think it would be confusing to deviate from the usual .com. (You would need really really strond branding for people to remember to type in something different then .com. )



Kind regards,



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Recognized Expert | Gold Partner
Recognized Expert | Gold Partner

URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi @jasonzimmermann 


Years ago Google recognised people were buying branded domain names (even common mis-spellings) to use the domain for SEO. So, like any other time people try and cheat Google, they reduced the weight of the brand name in the domain name.


However, in my experience, if you follow best practices with SEO and use the brand name in the Page Title, H1, first paragraph, alt tag, etc. it will work in your favour.


Personally I recommend optimising for your Company Name paired with the Brand Name to create the associations. For example:


Your Company Name – Brand Name – Product Name


If you use WordPress it's worth splashing out and getting Yoast Pro (to help you with combinations of Keywords). If your website is in HubSpot then the Keyword Tool will help you out.


Have fun



p.s. thank you for the mention @JessicaH 

HubSpot Alumni
HubSpot Alumni

URL as the Brand Name? Good or Bad Idea


Hi @jasonzimmermann,


Thanks for reaching out.

I'm going to tag in some subject matter experts to see if they have some suggestions.


Hi @Phil_Vallender @Nynke_HM @Mike_Eastwood @rikkilear @joshua-paul, do you have any thoughts on this?




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