Is anyone else struggling to find the "smart rules" heading on a landing page? I'm doing the "Creating Smart Content in HubSpot" section of the course. I can't complete the last practical exercise, which is adding smart text to your landing page. I clicked on the module I wanted to edit, but couldn't see any "smart rule".
@AWoki smart rules are for Professional or Enterprise level users, so if you're using HubSpot Free tier, you won't see it. Here's what you're looking for when editing a module like text:
Where it says "Smart Rules" then the "+ Add" function is where you'd add the smart rule. If you don't see that, then you don't have the right tier. What you can do is a free trial upgrade to Professional, then cancel within the 14 days.
Hopefully that helps clear it up. That's the only way to complete a certificate like this. Thanks!
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out 25, 20249:29 AM - editado out 25, 20249:44 AM
Smart Rules- Adding Smart Text
Hi @PamCotton ,thank you for getting back to me. I wont be able get certified for the contextual marketing course without passing this exercise? I'd have to upgrade to pro or enterprise be able to submit the excersise and pass?
Thanks for the tag @PamCotton. @AWoki it's true, some HubSpot certifications require practical exercises, which may require a higher tier than the free offerings. My suggestion is to get a free trial and cancel it within the time frame. I've seen a lot of folks do this.
Plan out the certifications you want to get, line up the exams, and knock them out with the trial. Good luck!
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out 30, 20249:34 AM - editado out 30, 20249:35 AM
Smart Rules- Adding Smart Text
Hi Dan,
Thanks for responding. I did start the free trial as you've suggested and completed HubSpot Marketing Software Hub successfully. However in this case, the "smart rule" heading or "smart text" button did not appear in HubSpot.
The last practical excersice in the Contexual Marketing course requires smart text to be included on a landing page. I already did the exam but couldn't add "smart text" or find the "smart rule" heading during the free trial. Therefore I couldn't complete the excersie and receive the certificate.
Unfortunately not. @danmoyle and @PamCotton did their best to help but I couldn't resolve this issue. I went ahead and did the exam, passed but couldn't get the cert without completing that excercise. Smart Rules didn't apprear on the pro trial.
@AWoki smart rules are for Professional or Enterprise level users, so if you're using HubSpot Free tier, you won't see it. Here's what you're looking for when editing a module like text:
Where it says "Smart Rules" then the "+ Add" function is where you'd add the smart rule. If you don't see that, then you don't have the right tier. What you can do is a free trial upgrade to Professional, then cancel within the 14 days.
Hopefully that helps clear it up. That's the only way to complete a certificate like this. Thanks!
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@AWoki you're welcome. Sadly, I don't know the answer to that. With close to 60 certifications, including ones for partners like where I work, I don't recall all of them that would resuire a paid version of HubSpot, I'm sorry!
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Hey @AWoki, thank you for posting in our Community!
It sounds like you’re running into an issue because smart content, including "smart rules," is only available on certain HubSpot subscription tiers, such as Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise. Since you're on a free trial, it’s possible that smart content isn’t accessible in your current plan.
I recommend checking your subscription tier. To our top experts @Josh and @danmoyle do you have any recommendations for @AWoki matter?