Content Strategy & SEO


Help me in answering the question.content gap analysing


I have been learnning about the content gap part. and i gone through a pdf that states how to find content gap through competitor anlaysis. it shows the most coverage topic of competitor in dark shade and low coverage in light stage. i have a doubt that why are they choosing the topic 5 which has less coverage than others and two competitors has used it. whats the point in using that?Screenshot (21).png

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Help me in answering the question.content gap analysing


Hi @Sudharsana,


Your question gets to an important idea in content gap analysis – deciding which opportunities are worth focusing on. Even though topic 5 has less coverage than others, the fact that two competitors have used it could mean it has potential but isn’t fully developed yet. This could be a chance to create better or more unique content and take the lead in an area that’s still wide open.


Choosing a less-covered topic often depends on how valuable it could be to your audience or how it fits with your goals. If topic 5 matches audience interests, highlights untapped keywords, or ties into emerging trends, it might be worth investing in. It could also help you stand out by filling a gap that competitors are only starting to explore.


Content gap analysis isn’t just about how much coverage a topic has; it’s also about finding opportunities where you can shine. Since topic 5 isn’t saturated yet, it might mean less competition and a chance to build a strong presence before others fully jump in. It’s all about timing and making the most of what’s still available.


Hope this helps!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Help me in answering the question.content gap analysing


Hi @Sudharsana,


Your question gets to an important idea in content gap analysis – deciding which opportunities are worth focusing on. Even though topic 5 has less coverage than others, the fact that two competitors have used it could mean it has potential but isn’t fully developed yet. This could be a chance to create better or more unique content and take the lead in an area that’s still wide open.


Choosing a less-covered topic often depends on how valuable it could be to your audience or how it fits with your goals. If topic 5 matches audience interests, highlights untapped keywords, or ties into emerging trends, it might be worth investing in. It could also help you stand out by filling a gap that competitors are only starting to explore.


Content gap analysis isn’t just about how much coverage a topic has; it’s also about finding opportunities where you can shine. Since topic 5 isn’t saturated yet, it might mean less competition and a chance to build a strong presence before others fully jump in. It’s all about timing and making the most of what’s still available.


Hope this helps!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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