La fonction de suggestion automatique permet d'affiner rapidement votre recherche en suggérant des correspondances possibles au fur et à mesure de la frappe.
Gotcha. Sorry for my confusion. We use a third-party tool (Avoma) and our leadership does look through patterns for things like how long our reps talk, instances of a problem being identified, and others. Hopefully someone else here has specific best practices for you.
Hi @jeetdoshi. Are you working in SEO and search topics? If so, a few things we use where I work.
Semrush helps us find relevant topics/keywords we want to go after, along with insights like search volume and difficulty. It also helps us track over time our rankings.
Then in HubSpot, we have our Topic Clusters set up so we're building out content around pillar pages and monitoring analytcis like time on page, conversions, links, etc.
I hope that helps!
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No, we are looking to use the conversational intelligence tool to our advantage, so wanted to know what and how other sales team are using the tracked terms feature in the calling module.
Gotcha. Sorry for my confusion. We use a third-party tool (Avoma) and our leadership does look through patterns for things like how long our reps talk, instances of a problem being identified, and others. Hopefully someone else here has specific best practices for you.