A working title is something to "work" off of as you begin to write your post. Start here to narrow your topic down and focus on one angle. A broad term, like “social media,” could breed multiple blog post ideas like “top social media channels for live video in 2021.”
In the comment below, write the working title for your next blog post.
Extra credit: Write 5 different titles for your working post.
*To learn more about this, check out the Creating Blog Content lesson via HubSpot Academy.
1. Climate change 101: Introducing Climate change to your 10-year-old self 2. How can we execute the majority of solutions to tackle climate change? 3. Bring up the rubbish, clear the ocean.
4. Plastic to reuse plastic, what's the difference?
5. What is the best line to summary climate change?
A broad term: shampoo for men Title 1: 5 things on a man's body that make women fall in love (1 of which is hair) Title 2: The masculine scent, the standard of men's style Title 3: Top 10 shampoo product lines for men Title 4: 6 things that make the ideal man in the eyes of women Title 5: What you need to know about the effect of "scent" in boosting the emotions of the other person.