Content Marketing

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Write a working title for your next blog post

A working title is something to "work" off of as you begin to write your post. Start here to narrow your topic down and focus on one angle. A broad term, like “social media,” could breed multiple blog post ideas like “top social media channels for live video in 2021.”


In the comment below, write the working title for your next blog post.


Extra credit: Write 5 different titles for your working post.


*To learn more about this, check out the Creating Blog Content lesson via HubSpot Academy. 

3.902 Respostas 3.902

Write a working title for your next blog post

Broad Term: "Candle care" 

Working titles:

- Interior decor and candles

- "How to expand your candle life"

-" Top candle decoration"

-" Different uses of candles"

- " Make your own candle at home"


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Write a working title for your next blog post

1. 5 ways to earn money while working from home.

2. 5 Best website to get client as a newbie Freelancer.

3. 8 Hettest Tech skill to learn in 2022.

4. Beauty in the Hair - How to create amazing style with your Hair.

5. How to make your Pet your best friend.

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Write a working title for your next blog post

Broad Term: Eating healthy

Working Tittles:

1) 5 Ways to Eat Healthy While Working From Home

2) How to Eat Healthy Without Getting Bored

3) Fun Ways to Eat Healthy Without Going Crazy


Write a working title for your next blog post

Broad Term: Being Active

Working Title: How being active 3-5 days a week can improve your overall mental and physical health.


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Write a working title for your next blog post

Theme of the blog- Meditation benefits

Working titles-Does meditation really helpwith our daily stress?

Meditation- a hoax or a true stress buster

MEDitation- the art of scientific relaxation

101 of meditaion: how it can solve your daily health and stress issues


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Write a working title for your next blog post

Broad theme: Climate Change 
Working title :

1. Climate change 101: Introducing Climate change to your 10-year-old self 
2. How can we execute the majority of solutions to tackle climate change? 
3. Bring up the rubbish, clear the ocean. 

4. Plastic to reuse plastic, what's the difference?

5. What is the best line to summary climate change?


Write a working title for your next blog post

Broad term: Bathroom fixtures

Working title: How to select fixtures with finishes that are on-trend, but won't corrode



Write a working title for your next blog post

yes you can - show a new side of you this new year 

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Write a working title for your next blog post

Is Instagram Reels the next major marketing trend?

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Write a working title for your next blog post

I would change "Is" to "Are" because Instagram Reels are plural.


"Are Instigarm Reels the Next Major Marketing Trend?"  🙂 


Write a working title for your next blog post

THE topic: Inspiration

1, Habits should be created to break through in new year

2,To those who are trying their best

3. 5 ways to improve yourself


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Write a working title for your next blog post

10 Tips To Creating A Remote Work Winning CV


Write a working title for your next blog post

Topic: Goal keeping


1) What You Need To Know As A Goalkeeper |Trainers Don't Teach This|

2) 10 Things You Must MasterGoalkeeper You Always Dreamed Of Becoming

3) Goalkeeping: Overcoming The Mental Hurdles

4) Sweeper Keeper: How The Number 1 Role Has Evolved Over The Years

5) 10 Things Professional Goalkeepers  Have In Their Kit Bags

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Write a working title for your next blog post



1. How to save up for your next investment.

2. How to cut down expenses so you can save.

3. 5 different ways to save your money.

4. How to start your investment journey beginning from savings.

5. How to save even if you've never saved before.


Write a working title for your next blog post

Topic: Organic vegetables

Title 1: Why you must choose organic vegetables for your meal?

Title 2: Choose organic vegetables or just normal vegetables

Title 3: Why do most people love building a mini organic vegetable in their house

Title 4: 6 ways for you to grow organic vegetables inside your house.

Title 5: Bringing the love for your child, by the way of your choosing the food for them

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Write a working title for your next blog post

Good topic
You can actually write a separate blog on each of those topics


Write a working title for your next blog post

Topic: Digital Tranformation Strategy for your Business

Titlle 1: What to strat with to make your strategy work?

Title 2: What are the mistakes could be eliminated in advance?

Title 3: Digital Transformation vs Innovation (what are the main differcies)

Title 4: Competetive Value Train and how it works

Title 5: Test and adjust your strategy before its too late.

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Write a working title for your next blog post

A broad term: shampoo for men
Title 1: 5 things on a man's body that make women fall in love (1 of which is hair)
Title 2: The masculine scent, the standard of men's style
Title 3: Top 10 shampoo product lines for men
Title 4: 6 things that make the ideal man in the eyes of women
Title 5: What you need to know about the effect of "scent" in boosting the emotions of the other person.

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Write a working title for your next blog post

Topic: Hybrid Learning

Title: How hybrid learning is enhanced by science!

Title: Neuroscience-based hybrid learning.

Title: Hybrid learning: The intersection of Technology & Science

Title: Is Hybrid Learning better for STEM courses?

Title: Following the science of hybrid learning.



Write a working title for your next blog post


the link between motivation and development

the indepth look at three main types of development 

how development adds to lifestyle 

why is personal development important

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Write a working title for your next blog post

Topic: Top Los Angeles Running events you can participate in, in-person in 2022. 

Title: 2022 LA Running Events: Where to participate in-person 
Alt 1: 2022 LA Run Events: Where you can race in-person
Alt 2: 2022 Top In-Person Running Events in LA & How to Register
Alt 3: 2022 Best In-Person Running Events in LA & How to Register
Alt 4: LA Running Events: Where you can register to run in 2022

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