Content Marketing


Which metrics matter most to your business?

To determine the success of your content, you have to set goals and track the metrics that make the most sense for your business. This could be page views, conversions, and so on. Keeping this in mind, which metrics matter most to your business and why? Tell us in the comments below.


*To learn more about this, check out the Measuring and Analyzing Your Content lesson via HubSpot Academy. 


Which metrics matter most to your business?

At the moment, I do not have a business. However, the metrics that matters the most for the company am working with is social media metrics and webpage traffics. 

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

To my content marketing efforts, I'm more concerned on increasing brand awareness, lead generation and coversions. metrics such as page view, CPC, CTR matter to me inorder to achieve my overall marketing efforts.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

The metrics that matter most revolve around engagement and conversion rates. We find that tracking engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and time spent on page gives us valuable insights into how compelling and relevant our content is to our audience. I focus on conversion rates because they directly reflect how effectively our content motivates action, be it signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or purchasing a product. 

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Currently, the metrics that matter most to my "business" is webpage traffic and social media traffic as for paid metrics the ideal would be CPA because we sell cubes with printed menus, etc in qr code.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

I think, for the moment, I'm most focused on building brand awareness and authoritativeness for PS Copywriting, so CPC would be the more relevant metric vs CPA. When I work with clients though, I always like to check what the purpose of my work is (build awareness, increase traffic, get sales, etc.) and ensure I'm keeping that in mind when I write.
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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Talking about social media, the metrics that give us the most information are Facebook reach, traffic and, above all, clicks on the links of the organization's vacancies.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

I work at a company selling fashion products and important metrics that we track are impressions, conversion and RPI.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

In my business, We prioritize conversion rate, ROI, CLV, and engagement metrics to ensure our marketing efforts align with our clients' business objectives and deliver measurable impact on their bottom line.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

I currently work in a different area than marketing. However, I am thinking about my social media platform as my marketing expirement. In this case, reach, conversion rate (how many people clicked on my profile and decided to follow) and engagement would be the most important metrics 


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Which metrics matter most to your business?

For selling my novel, I need to track both organic and paid metrics. I'm finding a greater deal of success, however, with paid metrics right now, because I'm an unknown author. To gain awareness for my novel and my author brand, I use CPC ads and have found the most success with them through Facebook. I can't gain a readership without people reading my book, so I have to raise awareness--but I need them to buy the book, or the ads don't pay for themselves.


For my organic metrics, I measure webpage traffic and social media metrics, because that shows me how many people are aware of and engaging with my blog and other posts related to my book and my author brand, to get an idea for lead conversion and close rates. If they click on the link to my book's page on Amazon, that's a lead. From there, my hope is for them to buy, so I can then invest my royalties back into marketing/ads, because that's how I'll build a following. 


Once I'm established as an author with a dedicated readership, I won't need to invest as much into ads and can then depend more on organic metrics, but for now the paid metrics are the only way for me to really find my readers. And it's paid off, because my book is selling well--after only a month being published, it's selling more than an average of 1 book per day, which is astounding for an unknown, self-published author.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Reach and Engagement Lead generation and Conversion rate

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Impressions and engament matters the most to my business because it allows us to stay active and engaged with everyone.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Pageviews, impressions, subscribers, and engagement.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Interaction with the published content and its reach to the audience
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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Since I am writing blogs, I think engagement would be important for me. I need to see what content is interesting. Also, I want to identify awareness of the content. Are people seeing me online through paid links.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

Engagment is very important for anybody pursing a career in Entertainment/Media. I say this because people tend to like stuff when they see that others are in tune with the same thing. 

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

As a company that is new on the internet , our main goal is to to create online awareness for our brand. Some of the metrics we will be tracking are, page views, engagement time, best performing posts, and impressions.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

The metrics that matter the most to us would be add to cart and engagement.

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

As an ecommerce brand, our main metrics are webpage traffic, add to cart and sales. 

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Which metrics matter most to your business?

As a burgeoning brand, our primary focus is on increasing awareness within our target audience. Our immediate goal is to ensure that the audience becomes cognizant of our brand's existence. We recognize the significance of not only reaching a substantial number of individuals but also fostering engagement with our content. The dual objective of creating awareness and encouraging audience interaction aligns with our overarching strategy to establish a strong and meaningful presence in the market.

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