To determine the success of your content, you have to set goals and track the metrics that make the most sense for your business. This could be page views, conversions, and so on. Keeping this in mind, which metrics matter most to your business and why? Tell us in the comments below.
For my future business, in my opinion, both 'Social Media' and 'Conversion' metrics will matter the greatest to me. As someone who would like to dive into the streetwear business (and HEAVILY market myself online as a ton of my favorite brands do), I will need to have a strong understanding of said business proceedings on a digital scale, both through online sales and social media impressions. We live in a. World nowadays where people cannot manage to get OFF of their phones, so I believe that as a business owner... you should take advantage of that! Especially if it costs you nothing.
To measure the success of your content, you need to focus on the metrics that align with your business goals. Whether it’s page views, conversion rates, customer engagement, or lead generation, the key is tracking what drives real value for your business.
As a business owner and content creator, there are several metrics I can use as benchmarks, such as tracking content growth through likes, comments, and shares. Additionally, I evaluate how people respond to the product and how many are interested in the products we sell
Open, then click rates are most that matters to the ones in charge of our company. I use both percentages and track month to month (due to the seasons) and compare year over year. However, we have seen inverse ralationships between high click rates and low conversions.
As a content writer, I find that tracking page views, engagement metrics like comments and social shares, and SEO performance is crucial, as they help me measure the reach, impact and visibility of my work.
As a content marketer, my metrics to track, measure, and analyze include web page traffic. More specifically, page views, unique page views, traffic sources, bounce rate, referrals, and keyword ranking.
it's page views that matters most at the moment, because we care about how long people stay on our website and our social media platforms. So page views at the moment
For us, it's the cost per lead. If we're spending money to get content in front of people, then we want to convert them to either visit our website or engage with the content itself. It helps build our future lookalike audiences while also converting leads—creating two benefits for the price of one.
We care about how long people stay on your website because we don't want them to accidentally being auto searching it, but instead being on it for a reason
My business is promoting myself as a dark fantasy romance author through my social media platforms, newsletter, blog, and author website. To determine successful content there will be several factors I can use to measure across the various platforms. For my webpage and blog, key word tracking, and referral traffic will matter. For my social media platforms will factor in reach, impressions and engagement. The larger audience I can reach and the more engagement I can encourage the more successful my content. My newsletter, blog, and emails will require my attention to gaining subscribers. All these different ways of tracking the success of the content aligns with the platform type as well as how my target audiene view my specific content type.