Not sure about a favorite, but I like Seth Godin. He has great insights that he offers with an economy of words.
In my work with family caregivers taking care of their loved ones, I appreciate how he manages to engage mind and heart, thought and feeling, and to connect them by reminding me of purpose. He draws me in by quietly demonstrating his knowledge and expertise without shouting, “Look, I’m so smart; hire me!”, and with a unique point of view.
My favorite blog as of late is by Jenna Kutcher. Her content is personable and inspiring, but also practical for small business owners and freelancers. Her blog posts on using Pinterest for your business drove me to take her free course on how to use Pinterest more effectively.
I just scanned #136 and like it. Didn’t get the references, but in a way, I think that’s the point (I’m black, but I get to peak behind the curtain, so to speak)!
BTW, when he said, “Note: You may notice that all the music from this era is very depressing. Do not worry about it having a negative effect on your party. White people have an amazing ability to get drunk and then all happily sing, in unison, a song about suicide...” I wondered, is that an Irish thing, or broader?
Here in Chi-town (Chicago IL), when you say white, you’re talking about all of Europe - eastern, western, northern and southern, and the food that goes with it!
My favourite blog is buzfeed's blog. I know it's all pop media, but it can be funny, educational, intriging, insightful and I dig it! It's usually easy to read and doesn't have annoying ads popping up everywhere! I'm not much of a blog person otherwise... although I have just started my own. But it's sort of a personal project to practice content writing!
I love to read blogs about whats going on in my city. From best brunch spots to whats going on in the city council I liked to be informed about my City.
I follow a couple of different blogs that foucs on different things, but my favroite it the one that gives you updates about activities going on in the city and best places to eat, or go to when visiting.
My favorite blog is the Murillo twins because they portray their everyday life yet still relating to makeup and fashion. Yes they made me want to start my own blog doing the same
Family vlogs on YouTube engage their viewers by the friendly warmth of sharing life's experiences. Some of my favorites include Its the Donnellys, This is How we Bingham, and Royalty Family. They share positive values and allow comments on their sites.
My favorite blog is the Murillo twins because they portray their everyday life yet still relating to makeup and fashion. Yes they made me want to start my own blog doing the same
I've found technical "how-to" blogs helpful numerous times in my career as a marketing professional, so I would have to say that, while not as fun as fashion or baby animal blogs, these would have to be my favorites due to them solving an immediate problem I'm having.
Sep 11, 20222:54 AM - bearbeitet Sep 11, 20222:54 AM
What's your favorite blog and why?
Yeah, blog is surely one of the most engaging and driving aspects of the business. I can think many of superb blogs but one i remember is my own titled "When, Where and How becomes Wow of Social Media". It covers basic stats, infographics study material, and overall social media performance over the years.