I enjoy Tim Tebow's blog posts on LinkedIn. They are always encouraging and helpful and give me good reminders about balancing life, work, and faith. They definitely call me to the action of rebalancing my priorities. Most blog posts I read are focused on work, so it is good for me to also be reading things that round out my life as a husband, father, and Christian.
My favorite blog used to be Naoki, which was updated regularly with vegan & cruelty-free makeup tips. It was helpful content with a personal touch that appealed to me. Unfortunately the blogger sold her website and I don't believe it's active anymore.
Wim Hoff method. It's an incredible blogg about an incredible man. His theaories apply to everything. You are stronger than you think you are. There's even a few businesses that have started applieing some of his theories to finance and business. Incredible.
Business Insider, Investopedia, and Neil Patel are among the best blog websites I interect with the most. Investopedia has all the best answers regarding any marketing and business related question. It is a dictionary of marketing and economic terminology.
I have been learning Neil Patel's digital marketing strategies for quite a some time. He is amazing and his SEO tactic are killer. His blog influenced me to start my own blog.
I am Rachel and I am here to share with you my favourite blog: Sharp Brains. Sharp Brains is one of my favourite websites since it provides me with articles that address my questions. This blog also helped me learn more about psychological challenges and how to overcome them. Not only that, but the blog also answered my queries regarding employee psychology in the workplace, allowing me to have a better understanding of employee interactions. Sharp Brains was quite helpful in assisting me in making my selection. My students used to be approximately 7-12 years old while I was teaching, therefore I didn't grasp their psychology at the time. So, I went to Sharp Brains to learn more about student psychology and thinking. And it was a huge success; I was able to talk more freely with my kids, and they began to like me a lot more as a result. It was an eye-opening event that inspired me to work even harder in the future to study more about psychology. I'm also appreciative to Sharp Brains for providing me with additional information.
I do not have a favourite blog, but a not of vlogs have helped me make purchase decisions by showing the usage of products! Especially on YouTube and TikTok.
There are alot I like, but the one that gives you continuing advice and update information, as if they are reading your mind is the best. Pat Flynn, Neil Patel, Tim Denning, Greenpeace, Tim Morrow(CopyBloggerguy) all are awesome.
My favorite blog is Cracked.com. It's pure pleasure reading. Or is it? Cracked dives into topics we all think we know inside and out, and reveals that due to not being taught properly (or at all) in school, or not being reported in the news, or reported with bias, or ignored by the media altogether, and not really discussed at social events, there is a HUGE wealth of knowledge about history, current events, the animal kingdom, human nature/psychology, and other topics that don't really get talked about. The blog has to be taken with a grain of salt because it's a humor blog, and some of the content is made up. But it has changed my mind about a few things. One example is even though I thought I knew the real story of the "discovery" of America (what we now call the United States, that is), I didn't. I was especially appalled that not only did the settlers intentionally wipe out the Native American population and break all kinds of treaties for land, but they brought European diseases that also decimated their population. You don't learn that kind of thing in your U.S. History class in high school. History always bored me, because it was full of minutiae, facts, and figures about United States politics, always focusing on how we become "so great" as a nation. The truth is harder to swallow, and you'll find it, and a lot of other interesting tidbits that can give you wisdom, on Cracked.com