Having a process also allows you to think of ideas that may not be easily apparent. What's one thing you do to help come up with new ideas? How can you incorporate this into a repeatable framework (for yourself as well as those you collaborate with)?
when it comes to the creative process I love to start brainstorming and watching videos and topics that are related to what I'm thinking and start taking ideas and building on them idea most of the time I enjoy scrolling and watching videos on social media related to that topic
Yeah, when coming up with now ideas as explaining in the previous lesson. I try to gather information around me as much as possible about the idea I am working on as far as going to TikTok to watch some videos about it. I make sure I digest it very well. Then put important things down from what come to me unconsciously
Ideas comes to me most of the time when go i though the contents of my competators(eg. Instagram), who have content gaps within there content. Firstly I evaluvate my contents, write down( mostly in note pad) were i can include there gaps in my conents. Then incoperate there content gaps withing my content without devating from from brand styling and visual appeal (theme based Intagram page).
This is the one of the strategies i followed for my page long ago and it was worked out every single time.
Coming up with new ideas depends on framework I'm working in, like if it's about finding solutions for daily life issues, I try to be quick and find the fastest and most efficient ways to deal with them, if it's about university projects or homework, I give more time to think about ideas that can be implemented repeatedly as well as try to improve on them in every chance possible.
I've never really considered it before now. I tend to start with lists and then organize those into groups that can be later fleshed out into something more. Most of the content I write is emails, so I also have to think visually and much as linguistically. I'm constantly looking at the emails I receive for ideas on structure and where a headline might work better. I generally find that when I'm struggling with a topic it's best to move onto a physical task so that my brain slightly disengages, that's when i find new perspective and connections I may not have noticed previously.
My creative process is not formal at all. I find creativity comes to me when I'm least expecting it, but mostly when I'm not trying so hard. I love to consume through reading, listening to podcasts and watching short videos on different topics. I also write short stories that have nothing to do with work and everything to do with a creative outlet.
I usually use my notes app to collect ideas or I use onenote if I'm at my computer.
If I'm trying to work something out for a specific deadline or a new project, I hand write/map it out and as I'm a very visual person and need to see things laid out before I start writing.
My creative process spans the entire day through my routine. I wake up at 6, and for the next hour or so, while alone I listen to either music, a podcast chapter or an audiobook depending on the day (Yes, I have a day assigned for different things topics - one could be business or finance, the other could be a podcast about life and cautionary tales and the third could be an audiobook about self-development or just a fantasy story). and after making and eating breakfast, I turn off that part of my mind and get to work. during this time my mind is focused but something entirely unrelated to the kind of content I need just unlocks something in my mind and ideas start flourishing. I realized that this happens recurringly at specific hours of the day and sometimes on specific days of the week. during these times, I take a pause and depending on if I am in front of my computer or not I open my OneNote app, go to my "Ideas" Notebook and free write the idea as raw as it comes to my mind so I can structure it later.
As I always listen to music while working, I make it a point to listen to a specific set of playlists for a specific type of task for a couple of weeks and later on I recall (on-demand almost) certain ideas or connections I've had during a certain task by consciously using a modified version of the method of Loci (music-evoked autobiographical memory). And it's always worked for me. (even back in High School and University, I Studied and Read with music haha). At a specific time of the day I Take pause and go meditate for a whole hour. I clear my mind and take anything that comes and allow them to fill my imagination. And then go on with my day. When I go to bed, I do some light reading of the "ideas" section of my OneNote Notebook and then sleep. and in the morning, the cycle continues.
In my creative process, I find inspiration by following accounts that match my interests and goals. Personally, I like to incorporate exercise into my routine. Listening to music while doing cardio helps me generate ideas that I then jot down.
One method I use to generate new ideas is by seeking a quiet space where I can listen to music or explore apps like Pinterest and VSCO for visual inspiration. The choice between music and visual browsing depends on the nature of the project I’m working on. This approach helps me immerse myself in visually appealing content and broadens my perspective, often leading to fresh ideas. I also make a habit of reading content that not only looks good but provides new knowledge and insights.
I have experienced moments in the past where ideas flow into my mind and lost it the next day because I feel I could remember them. With this knowledge about having process in place for creating ideas, I will consider it for seamless and effective ideas creation process.
I have a naturally automatic creative process. Ideas will usually come to my attention when I am not thinking about generating them. Also, seeing unique things, objects, pieces of art, or scenarios in real life will help me to create ideas for content.
When I intend to undertake or develop something new, I seek out places where I can find assistance in shaping my preliminary ideas. Typically, I engage in reading books and having casual conversations with people. I find that forcing the issue or directly asking for input doesn't yield much help. I maintain a positive mindset and visualize that the idea is already in my hands and realized. I meditate regularly, seeking moments of silence to foster creativity. A healthy diet is crucial; it contributes significantly to generating new ideas and overall well-being.
One thing I do to generate new ideas is to regularly engage in brainstorming sessions. During these sessions, I set aside time to explore different topics, themes, and angles related to the content I want to create. I use various techniques such as mind mapping, free writing, and word association to stimulate creativity and uncover fresh perspectives.
To incorporate this into a repeatable framework for myself and collaborators, I would establish a schedule for regular brainstorming sessions. This could involve weekly or bi-weekly meetings dedicated specifically to generating ideas for upcoming content. During these sessions, I would encourage open communication and collaboration, inviting team members or collaborators to contribute their thoughts and suggestions.
Additionally, I would create a structured format for the brainstorming sessions to ensure efficiency and productivity. This might include setting clear objectives for each session, providing prompts or prompts to guide the discussion, and documenting all ideas generated for future reference.
By incorporating regular brainstorming sessions into the content creation process, I can foster a culture of innovation and creativity within my team or collaborators. This not only helps generate a steady stream of new ideas but also ensures that everyone feels valued and invested in the content creation process.
Sometimes, I talk with a friend or my husband about what I am trying to write or create (since I'm a one-person operation so far). This "thinking out loud" helps bring about that "lightbulb" moment. Regarding the process that was outlined in the lesson, I can picture myself following each step while listiing ideas on a doc to refer back to. Or I imagine a team would effectively follow this flow while recording ideas either on a white board or projected on the wall to where they can be saved. I also think some aspects of this process (particularly the gathering of raw material) would apply to the consultation phase when speaking with a client about their vision of what their content might entail.