Having a process also allows you to think of ideas that may not be easily apparent. What's one thing you do to help come up with new ideas? How can you incorporate this into a repeatable framework (for yourself as well as those you collaborate with)?
Jot notes Marinate (take a walk, do housework, work on a hands-on project)
The marinate and nap parts of this process are really vital for me, as odd as that may sound. They allow my thoughts time and the non-focused awareness I need to collate them adequately.
I have a set of cards called Idea tatctics where it breaks down ways to generate ideas. I will use them and some of the activities to try to get into a place where I can find ideas.
I go for a walk when nothing makes sense, when I think I'm stuck or feel blank.
I actively take my mind off it, take in the surrounding, focus on each step, plug in some music at times, and simply gaze at the sky. That works wonders for me.
one thing I'll do to come up with new ideas is to read whatever I can and whereever I can then I'll develop appetite for content and consume everything within my reach, not only marketing content and I'll consume it regularly.
Outline, outline, outline - for any given topic after research, I put together an outline and let the flow/story stew in my head for a few days which includes not looking at it for a couple of days . Once conviced, get a collegue/manager/team to vote on the outline and only when I get a green signal, I procced to create.
My creative process is deciding and picking a couple different topics I am interested in. Understanding each better separately. Then think of a new a different way on bringing them together. Then I like to let my mind wonder and use every experience in my daily life to see how I can incorporate it, always writing down ideas. Lastly I let it rest for a while until an idea comes to my head
My creative process involves exposing myself to various content in my field of interest, looking at people in that field and looking for the gaps and everything, my eureka moment comes way later when I'm just relaxed or trying to get to sleep
Looking at competitors or brands we strive to be as successful as it can really provide a burst of creativity and a "lightbulb moment". I'll storyboard who is the recipient and what they're interested in to help me build out content ideas.
one thing i do to help come up with new ideas is by randomly surf the web. for example Google is great when you know what you are looking for,so by surfing the web helps you generate new ideas. Another aspect that help me come up with new ideas is through meditation. It"s hard to come up with great ideas when your mind is crowded with everyday thoughts and concerns,you need quiet space. Meditation will help clear the mind of daily business and stress, then you can quietly focus on your future.
One thing I do to come up with new ideas is explore the internet. I look on interest for inspiration, TikTok for reviews, and Instagram to see ideas on how other people use the idea. I can incorporate this into a framework by scheduling times to meet with different people to talk about their ideas and form everyone's ideas into one, reach out to companies for collaborations, and find different examples of success. This will help myself because I will make connections along the way as well as gain knowledge.
My creative process starts with the topic that i have to create, i then search in various places to find more info possible and then trying to put them all together creating something combined and original. I share my idea with friends and colleagues to see their reaction and i adjust accordingly
My creative process begins with immersion in the topic or problem, followed by brainstorming sessions to generate ideas. One thing I do to spark new ideas is to engage in divergent thinking exercises like mind mapping or free writing. To incorporate this into a repeatable framework, I schedule regular brainstorming sessions, encourage collaboration with diverse perspectives, and document ideas systematically. This fosters a creative culture and ensures a steady flow of innovative concepts for myself and collaborators.
For me, it all starts with jotting down ideas on a notepad, talking about it out loud with anyone, researching similar topics, and then collaborating with others. It's all about seeing my ideas from other people's perspectives.