What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
When creating smart content, you can segment a list of contacts and provide them with content that’s different from what the average visitor sees. This means that any time a contact on that list visits your website, they’ll see content that’s specifically tailored to them. What recommendation would you give to someone looking to use smart content by contact list membership? For example, what are the benefits, how would you go about implementation, etc.
*To learn more about this, check out the Segmenting with Context lesson via HubSpot Academy.
What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
Seja simples no começo. Não tente fazer segmentações complexas, pois assim, você mantém uma base grande, mas segmentada. Quanto mais afunilar, menos contatos você terá.
What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
The Purpose and objective for using that contact list means must be clearly defined. Then, make sure all the contacts that will be on the list have the same characteristics/attributes/ behaviors / and interests. And these will help make the process effective.
What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
Focus on one thing at a time, if you start out with a bunch of different tactics, then the consumer will get overwhelmed. Target the group not just an individual on segmentating personas.
What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
Know your business goals and what your ideal client looks like. Don't get too specific in your segmentation as you need to stay with a large group not too individualized.
What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
The goal and objective for going after that category of the audience must be clearly defined. Then, make sure all the contacts that will be on the list have similar attributes/behaviours/properties and interests. These will make the smart content and personalization most effective.
What advice would you give to someone trying to segment by contact list membership?
1st step is to create meanful segment, where you understand their needs and differentiate them in accordance with their demand and provide contents that speak to those demands.