Your content creation process should be something that's clear, repeatable, and organized. It's important to evaluate your process from time to time to see how it can be improved (for you and those you collaborate with).
Before you create your next piece of content, what's one thing you could do to improve your current process? For me, I'm going to create a survey via a Google form and send it to those I collaborate with to get their feedback. The easier I am to collaborate with, the more people will want to work with me.
The one thing I can do to improve the process is implementing a consistent editing workflow that's agree-upon by everyone involved. One of our challenges is inconsistency in how editing takes place (sometimes via tracked changes on a Google Doc, sometimes via feedback on the body of an email, and sometimes even via text and WhatsApp messages), which makes it really challenging to achieve consistent, timely results, and is prone to errors.
To manage my own time and work efficiently, I think a framework for content creation would be extremely useful. It would serve as a content planner, which would include the following points: my client's requirements, what they want their results to be, and I'd create a Trello project outlining what I need to do to meet that goal, how to accomplish it, and when to deliver it.
It's important to gather insights into what the audience wants or needs to know, what questions they have, and what challenges they face. This information can be collected through surveys, interviews, and social media monitoring.
As a team of one, I believe the most important thing to improve in content development is building a clear and granular plan and making content step-by-step, so the framework is really helpful. Also, I'd focus on creating content offers as they could significantly boost brand awareness.
I'm learning content marketing for my photography so I think the way to improve what I'm doing now is have a real distinct theme for my work and making sure I stay consistent with it.
I'm a storyteller at heart and enjoy writing. To improve my content creation process, I would begin by writing out the story. Who is our brand, why do we make the products we do, and how can we benefit the consumer. By writing out the brand's story, I would be able to clearly picture what kind of content would most benefit the brand. When reading through the story it will be easier to orient the message towards people's emotions, which is usually the most effective content. This would help with step 3: creating a workflow, and step 4: reveiwing and editing content.
I'd like to a implement step that solicits notes and suggestions from my fellow writers in the department before a content piece moves into our normal review process. That way, I can gather input about brand voice, product knowledge, and accuracy before anyone else reviews it.
I think I'll also take the survey appreach this will help. using Google form is an amazing way to do this and on having feedback it will help me improve.
In my content creation journey, one thing that suffered me most is not having a proper conceptual plan and timeline. Not having them on my board, I am puzzled about which concept I should make content or how I plan for a timeline. After getting introduced to the content creation framework, I have come to know what I have to do to strengthen producing high-quality content. Now I can use them.