Content Marketing



Hello fantastic people, myself chaitu. I'm a graduate from Computer science and want to pursue MBA. i got no websites, content nor products to sell online. I want guidance on how do i apply digital marketing techniques and understand it. I'll be grateful for the guidance.  THANK YOU 

3 Réponses
Au panthéon de la communauté


welcome to the community @chaitu1, in what way are you hoping to apply digital marketing techniques? Since you aren't selling anything online, what do you plan to market?


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon


hi @Jnix284 thank you for reaching me. I'm listening to 5hr course of digital marketing from hubspot. They are teaching well but i'm confused where and how to apply that content i'm consuming. As you said i have nothing to sell but i want to learn how digital marketing works and i'm confused where, how and what to start. THANK YOU

Au panthéon de la communauté


@chaitu1 you could create a personal brand and practice digital marketing for yourself. Another option would be to volunteer time for a local non-profit who could use help with digital marketing.


Otherwise, you can practice with the available tools in a free hubspot account to gain a better understanding of what you're learning in the course.


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon
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