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[Webinar: April 6th] Using CPD to Reach Specifiers in the Construction Industry


The New Normal Of CPD: Moving Towards A Self-Directed Way Of Learning

April 6th, 11:30AM (GMT)


Join Nicky Harris (Director of Construction Project Management at the University of Salford) and Greg Watts (Director of Quantity Surveying at the University of Salford) as they discuss findings from their recent research. Including:

What great CPD looks like
How it energises the construction industry
How your business can play a part




Architects Feel Let Down

Construction professionals report dissatisfaction with CPD providers since the COVID19 pandemic, with 1 in every 2 architects believing the CPD that they have access to is not sufficient for their needs.


What are architects actually looking for?
How can you make your CPD more impactful?
Why is CPD so important?


Greg and Nicky are excited to share the findings of their research in our upcoming webinar.




How Will This Help You?

Do you find that CPD is an ineffective route to specification? Statistically speaking, specifiers attend CPD to learn about solutions for current projects (48%). They are looking for products that solve their problems. The breakdown between CPD and specification is often the quality of the CPD offered.


This webinar provides an opportunity to assess your CPD against the expectations of construction professionals, and learn how to deliver CPD more effectively in the post-pandemic era. 


Join us for the full report.



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