Community-Led Events


Today @ 3PM ET - The Four Horsemen of the Inbound Apocalypse: How to Market in This Weird New Era

Join the Boston HubSpot User Group today at 3:00PM ET - where we plan to do something a bit heretical with our virtual meetup.
Our featured speaker is going to make a case against SEO. Hear us out! How many times this month have you asked ChatGPT a question instead of Google? And why? It's probably because you just wanted an answer without having to do a whole bunch of research.
This is a glimpse into what will be the new normal - a world where search will no longer return links to webpages, just the answer to your question. So, what does that mean for businesses wanting to attract leads and build trust? What are we supposed to do now?
There's a reason why these four digital marketing channels have been trending:
  • Podcasting
  • YouTube videos
  • Publishing long-form posts on LinkedIn
  • TikTok and Instagram Reels
We are going to have to get REALLY good at publishing content on-platform and bring our authentic selves to these channels. This is what we'll be talking about this afternoon during the presentation, The Four Horsemen of the Inbound Apocalypse.

Sean McGauley
Boston HubSpot User Group
Boston HUG - The Four Horsemen of the Inbound Apocalypse.png
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Today @ 3PM ET - The Four Horsemen of the Inbound Apocalypse: How to Market in This Weird New Era

Thanks to all of those who joined this HUG meetup live yesterday! 👍

In case you missed it, here is the replay: