HubSpot + Kixie + Rollworks + Vidyard + Growth all in one place at one time
Whether you are new to these sales enablement tools or are already in the vetting process, this first-time format gives you the power to speak directly to the organizations.
This MUST-NOT-MISS event for sales and marketing leaders is not going to be your typical boring virtual event.
We will cover topics like:
What does it take to onboard + implement this tool at your company?
How do you ensure the tools are being used?
Can we do this without a consultant or IT professional?
The HUG program helps customers connect and find a support group for topics that matter to them. It helps us solve for the community and in 2022 you will see that more than ever. Right now, it supports 150+ city-based user groups worldwide but we've ambitious plans to grow throughout 2022. This program serves to unite, educate and inspire customers with each other to help promote community-driven learning and development.
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