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Custom Quote Template Workshop with Aptitude 8

Wednesday February 2, 2022 | 12PM (EST)
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This is part 1 of a 3 part detailing how what a Custom Object is, and how to create one featuring Zack Wolfson, Sr Developer Advocate at HubSpot.

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1038 Visites
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Mark Ryba of Smart Bug Media and Doug Osborne of Episilon sit down with Jon McLaren and me to explore developing front-end projects with a local development workflow.

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1155 Visites
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Recently, we recorded "When a Marketer meets a Developer" and we were treated with Phil Vallender and Tim Joyce reinforcing that marketers and developers can get along!

But I needed more proof so I asked a couple of teams to answer some questions.

This is the second of two interviews.  Check out the first one here

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Recently, we recorded "When a Marketer meets a Developer" and we were treated with Phil Vallender and Tim Joyce reinforcing that marketers and developers can get along!

But I needed more proof so I asked a couple of teams to answer some questions.

This is part one of a two part series of interviews.

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Check out this introduction to the HubSpot VS Code extension.  If you work with HubL, this is going to be a valuable tool.

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Phil Vallender of Blend Marketing and Tim Joyce of Echopunch join AJ LaPorte, Alex Girard and me to talk about how developers and marketers can work together successfully. Believe it or not, it is possible!

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Following up on the first part where we introduced the skeletal framing of macros, Derek takes some time to add a little meat to the bone.  If you have examples of macros or ideas that you would like to share, throw them into the comments!

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2365 Visites
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Zip zoom zoom. Let's talk about site speed.
In episode 4, I have the pleasure of speaking with @John  of Ascend, Nhori Lopchan-Edmonds, Michele (Zog) Herzog and Jon McLaren of HubSpot about what it takes to make your site have a lil pep in its step.

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Ever look at macros and say to yourself "this could be cool, but I don't really get it"?  Well Derick took some time out of his day to walk me through working with macros.  This is part 1 of a 2 part series where we introduce the concept of macros, how to use them and some basic examples.

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1357 Visites
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SEO!  It scares me.  Fortunately, @rikkilear , @AJLaPorte and @VictorPan took some time out of their day to show me the SEO ropes. 


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2167 Visites
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We did it!  Episode 2 is in the books and it was a good one! 

Alyssa demonstrated her email fu, Sarah throws an easter egg at us  and Jon says too much (I had to cut it out.  See if you can figure out where ).  Also, you will not believe what his favorite email project was!

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1200 Visites
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We're creating a space where we can showcase how-to content created by the Community Ranging from code blocks to videos.  Oh, and we also have a podcast you will see in here 😉

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Check out this method for integrating a HubSpot Form with your Vue.js project

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In our debut episode of Hubspot Community Developer Show, we explore making your site more accessible with Jon Sasala of Morey Creative and Co-Founder of

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