Community Developer Events

Por: Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

The HubSpot Community Developer Show - Episode 2 - Email with Alyssa Wilie of Lynton Web

Episode 2 of the show explores all things email. I had the pleasure of talking with @alyssamwilie , developer at Lynton Web, @SNolan , Technical Lead on the HubSpot email team and last, but not least, @jmclaren  Senior Developer Advocate at HubSpot.


Next month, we will be joined by @rikkilear of Digital 22 to talk about all things SEO. 

If you have SEO questions, get in on the conversation here!




Show Notes:

Developing email templates in HubSpot
Email on Acid
Open source MJML + HubSpot tool created by @douglaswelcome 

ROI for Email Marketing


Have ideas, thoughts, ways to improve ths show?  Fill out the form and let us know!


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