Commerce Tools


Will there be an API for Hubspot Payments

Hubspot have announced a new native 'Payments' service that's currently in Beta in the US. I've read through the docs but can't find any information as to whether a 'Payments API' will be made available alongside the new service. Can anyone shed any light? Thanks

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Will there be an API for Hubspot Payments

Are we going to be able to send in payments from our other platforms that are NOT processed via HubSpot?

We need to track the payments we currently have out of Stripe / PayPal first, then perhaps in the future we can look at what it looks like letting HS process them.

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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Will there be an API for Hubspot Payments

@PLJordan I'm hesitant to speak too too confidently here because a lot of things still need to come together so don't necessarily hold me to this, but yes, I would indeed expect you to be able to feed this type of data into HubSpot down the road. For now though, you could always use deals to hold a lot that information if you aren't already!