Commerce Tools


Term length on line items. Do they dictate the automatic payment end date?

When setting up recurring billing subscription via the quote tool does billing automatically stop after the term? For example, if I set the term on a line item to 12 months, will the recurring payments stop after the 12th month? We need the automatic payments to continue to debit after the term ends, until cancelled manually.

2 Replies 2

Term length on line items. Do they dictate the automatic payment end date?

The term length typically defines the agreement period but doesn’t always dictate when billing stops. Recurring payments usually continue beyond the term until canceled manually. Check your subscription settings to ensure payments don’t stop automatically after the term ends. You may need to configure it for indefinite billing.

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Term length on line items. Do they dictate the automatic payment end date?

Hey @TChapman! The billing would stop on the end date of the term. The Knowledge Base article on managing subscriptions states as follows: 

If you've selected Automatically renew until cancelled in the Billing terms dropdown menu of your line item, there will not be an end date associated with the subscription. To set an end date, select Fixed number of payments in the Billing terms dropdown menu, and choose the number of payments the subscription should have in the Number of payments dropdown menu. HubSpot will automatically set the end date based on the number of payments set. For example, if the payment link was used on March 1st and the Number of payments dropdown menu was set to 6, the end date would automatically be set as September 1st.


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