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HubSpot Quotes <> Stripe Product ID Sync

Is there a way to sync Stripe's Product ID with HubSpot Quotes?

In other words, is there a way to connect a Product on the Quote to a Product/Subscription in Stripe? We need to be able to have the payments sync properly with products for reporting. The instance is ID# 6249733 with Sales Hub Enterprise.

Similar to this idea - has there been a workaround built yet?


HubSpot Quotes <> Stripe Product ID Sync

Hey @JoeBurchard,

Have you heard of Zaybra? It connects your Stripe and HubSpot accounts and allows you to create Stripe payments through HubSpot quotes like you're wanting!


It does this by allowing you to map your products from Stripe to HubSpot.

Let me know if you have any more questions! I'd be happy to talk about this in more detail.


-David Staat

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HubSpot Quotes <> Stripe Product ID Sync

Hi @JoeBurchard,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!


I would like to tag in our payments experts to see if they have any insight on this.

Hey @JackCoopersmith and @mvittum would you happen to know about any workarounds for @JoeBurchard?






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HubSpot Quotes <> Stripe Product ID Sync

Hey @JoeBurchard , hope you're doing well! I'm hesitant to speak too confidently to Stripe payment processing as my world is more HubSpot payments-focused, though I don't believe it's currently possibe to do what you'd like nor can I think of a workaround for you.


It sounds like you're doing your reporting in Stripe... is there a particular reason you're not using HubSpot for that? I can tell you that HubSpot payments plugs right into the custom report builder in a very similar way as all of the other objects we have like contacts/companies/deals/etc