some of our services are billed per unit of use. To do this, I need to be able to change the unit for items so that €/kWh, for example, appears in the price column. Does anyone have a solution for this problem, or is it already under development?
Hey @BKühn, thank you for posting in our Community!
Currently, HubSpot does not natively support changing the unit of measure directly in the price column to display units like €/kWh. However, there are a few ways you can work around this limitation. You can create custom properties for your products to include the unit of measure. For example, you could add a property called "Unit of Measure" and set it to "€/kWh" for the relevant products. While this won't display in the price column, it will be visible in the product details.
/I would highly recommend you to please post this idea at our ideas forum (here).
Our product team, who monitors the forum regularly, can read your specific use case and understand why this would be a useful functionality or change. It also helps other customers facing the same issue advocate for its implementation on your behalf by upvoting it on the thread.