What’s New? Merchants can now add a shipping address to Commerce Hub invoices! This feature is available for users enrolled in HubSpot Payments or Stripe, streamlining your invoicing and delivery processes.
Why It Matters: Including a customer’s shipping address on invoices ensures accurate delivery and record-keeping. Whether it’s for tracking shipments or maintaining detailed customer records, this feature simplifies operations for merchants.
How It Works:
When creating a new invoice, merchants enrolled in HubSpot Payments or Stripe will see a new option to "Add shipping address".
Once added, the shipping address can be edited or deleted as needed.
If a shipping address is added to an invoice, the option to "Collect shipping address" from the customer at checkout will automatically be disabled to avoid duplication.
Get Started Today! Easily enhance your invoicing workflow and ensure your records stay accurate by using this new feature. Log in to your Commerce Hub now to explore!
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