Welcome to the ChatSpot community group! Thank you for participating and for being a part of this community. My name is Kristen Schaefer and I’m a Community Manager here at HubSpot. We are excited to have you here!
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Good Afternoon all, Is anyone else aware of issues with Outlook and the @bcc.hubspot.com adress? It would appear that outlook no longer recognises this address, making the copying of emails in Hubspot a little more manual. Thoughts and read more
Hi @MTaylor54 and welcome, we are so glad to see you here! 🎉 Thank you for asking the HubSpot Community! I understand that Outlook removes t...read more
I can add a note anywhere in my PC version of HubSpot. When I try to Add note in the HubSpot MOBILE APP. I get a No permission message. Shouldn't be a big deal to add a note. Help please...Thanks.
I came across the AI Chatbot Builder tool yesterday and wanted to know if this is something HubSpot is actively developing and currently in beta for users to test. I checked my account but was unable to find any information on how to set it up. I fo read more
Hi there After the Service Hub seminar last week I immediately wanted to test out if we could start training an AI chatbot. We don't really have any Knowledge Base articles (yet), so I just added a bunch of links to our (external) content pages read more
I also tested and have similar issues..don't seem to understand all content on the pages - because it don't use it in the chatbot answers...it also s...read more
Hi, I'm in the ai chatbot beta and would like to suggest the following: Allow for the ability to sync additional knowledge bases after the initial setup is complete. I synced 1 of 2 for testing purposes but it appears that you can't do this read more
Hi @AONeal I'm not able to recreate the behavior where the company name is pulling into the 'from' user info when sending an email - can you confir...read more
We are having difficulty getting chatspot to provide concise email text. Chatspot returns very long emails even when prompted to be concise or to limit the email by word count. I would love any insight you might be able to provide. The emails gen read more
Thank you. I was hoping other users might be willing to share some tips and tricks to limit the size of the output for emails; from their experience...read more
Hello @DStock , could you please provide more details about what you are trying to achieve? Which notifications are you referring to? Are you refer...read more
Heyyo! My team and I are excited to dig more into ChatSpot, particularly as it seems HubSpot's positioning it more and more as an all-in-one content creation tool: https://blog.chatspot.ai/your-swiss-army-knife-for-blogging-success? We're it read more
tldr: it's not private. We cannot use this great tool unless its a closed system. I am pretty sure many companies are using it without realizing the ...read more
Hey ChatSpot community! Marketing writer and aspiring prompt engineer checking in ✌️ I’ve been tinkering with ways to get decent starter content out of ChatSpot to help streamline and standardize my writing process, and I think I’m figuring out read more
Hi Rebecca! I'm a PM working on ChatSpot templates and saw your message about prompt engineering here: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/ChatSpot/C...read more
ChatSpot lets me know there's news about an account, but it includes a lot of things I'm not interested in and doesn't seem intelligent about interpreting prompts. Consider the following: If given the prompt, "Don't show me news about videos read more
Hi @SSwigart ,
Thank you for this feedback regarding ChatSpot.ai, we really appreciate it. I will share it with our product team for it to ...read more
Hi everybody, I'm Laura working as content marketeer with Elixir in Brussels. After INBOUD23 i saw that HubSpot is heavly investing in integrating AI-Tools into the HubSpot experience. As a partner we were really curious how this would play out read more