

Conversation Intelligence: What's the best way to find a comment I left on a call?

I left a comment on a teammates call earlier this month. I wanted to reference the comment and didn't remember the title of the meeting/call. 


What's the best way for me to find it, other than searching through the long list of all recent calls?

2 Replies 2
Participant | Platinum Partner
Participant | Platinum Partner

Conversation Intelligence: What's the best way to find a comment I left on a call?

Hey @drewspi,


In the Calls View, you can use advanced filters for "Created by User ID" or "Activity created by" if you know who from your team made that call.

In case you remember a few keywords from the Notes you added to that call, you can use the "Call notes contains exactly" filter.





Let me know if this helps. If you still struggle with it, kindly let me know what all info you have about that call & and the comment.




Community Manager
Community Manager

Conversation Intelligence: What's the best way to find a comment I left on a call?



Thank you for your inquiry. One possible solution would be to utilize a list.You could Create a list. This approach will allow you to incorporate filters such as activity assignment, task type, date, and call notes.


Hope this helps!


Best regards,

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