
required associated company




is it possible to make associated companies required at the creation of a deal?

1 Accepted solution
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Hall of Famer | Partner

required associated company


Hi @LorenzoRicci,


It looks like @AliHaddani hasn't done so yet: you could post this suggestion in the HubSpot Ideas section of the community. This is the place for new requests.


Once posted, please share the link here, I'll gladly give an upvote, too.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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9 Replies 9
Hall of Famer | Partner
Hall of Famer | Partner

required associated company


Hi @AliHaddani 


This is now possible! 🙂 You should find this feature as a public beta by clicking the menu in the top right corner (the dropdown that appears when you click on your profile image) > Product Updates > Betas > [Public Beta] Configure associations when a record is created.


You can then configure the the record create form under Settings > Objects > Contacts / Companies / Deals / Tickets > Customize the 'Create ...' form.


Here's the full announcement:


[Public Beta] Configure associations when a record is created

Dec 8, 2022

What is it?

Currently, you aren’t able to set associations as visible or required when a new standard object record is created. This means that admins lack control over record creation, leading to inconsistent data and gaps in associations between records.

This feature will enable you to set associations as visible or required when a standard object record is created. You will be able to set both standard objects and custom objects as visible or required associations.

Note: This feature is not reflected in the Mobile experience yet.


Why does it matter?

Without this feature, you miss out on being able to segment deals or contact decision makers based on the deal status. For example, if a deal is created, and no associated contact is required, you miss the opportunity to attribute that deal to a specific rep.


How does it work?

Navigate to Object Settings, then click on “Customize ‘Create Record’ Form.”

In the left sidebar there is a section called “Associate [Record] With.” Check boxes to add an association to the form, and set these associations as required using the right panel.

A cardinality icon next to each option represents whether a record of that type can be associated to one or many other object records.

There are three scenarios where the “one-to-one” cardinality option will appear:

  • Contact → Companies
  • Deal → Companies
  • Ticket → Companies

Selecting the Companies → option means that a user will only be able to associate one company record to a new contact, deal, or ticket record, and this company will be automatically labelled "primary."

Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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required associated company


It has no sense have this update only for desktop and not for mobile app.

in addition, there is not the possibility to set mandatory for Line items and the most serious thing Is not to have the possibility to associate a Line item in a deal on mobile app.

Hall of Famer | Partner
Hall of Famer | Partner

required associated company


Hi @LorenzoRicci,


It looks like @AliHaddani hasn't done so yet: you could post this suggestion in the HubSpot Ideas section of the community. This is the place for new requests.


Once posted, please share the link here, I'll gladly give an upvote, too.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Contributor | Platinum Partner
Contributor | Platinum Partner

required associated company


Thanks Karsten,

I'll activate this beta in my all accounts 😄


Have a nice day,



required associated company


Hi Karsten - I'd also like this to be required

Contributor | Platinum Partner
Contributor | Platinum Partner

required associated company


Hi @karstenkoehler,

thanks for you reply here the link of the Idea:
Required Associated Company & Associated Contacts 


Have a nice day,



required associated company

Contributor | Platinum Partner
Contributor | Platinum Partner

required associated company


I need this feature to.
If it's possible, could we set Associated Company & Associated Contact requiredat the creation of a deal
(It could be set or not in "Set the properties your team sees when creating deals.")

Thanks 🙏

Hall of Famer | Partner
Hall of Famer | Partner

required associated company


Hi @AliHaddani,


This is currently not supported by HubSpot. There is an option in Professional and Enterprise subscriptions to set required properties (explained here), but not required associated objects.


I think this is a valid request and you could post it in the HubSpot Ideas section of the community. The product team reviews these suggestions based on popularity.


Hope this helps!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

Beratungstermin mit Karsten vereinbaren


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