
dealstage enumeration properties


When querying the crm api for deals properties it was noticed that there were no options returned for the dealstage property.


Since the type is an enumeration I was expecting the array of options to be populated with the different options but there are not options listed, only:
{"name":"dealstage","label":"Deal Stage","type":"enumeration","fieldType":"radio","description":"The stage of the deal. Deal stages allow you to categorize and track the progress of the deals that you are working on.","groupName":"dealinformation","displayOrder":3,"calculated":false,"externalOptions":true,"hasUniqueValue":false,"hidden":false,"modificationMetadata":{"archivable":true,"readOnlyDefinition":true,"readOnlyOptions":false,"readOnlyValue":false},"formField":false}


I even tried the old API thinking it may be a bug in the new one, but it does not return any options either:

{"name":"dealstage","label":"Deal Stage","description":"The stage of the deal. Deal stages allow you to categorize and track the progress of the deals that you are working on.","groupName":"dealinformation","type":"enumeration","fieldType":"radio","createdUserId":null,"searchableInGlobalSearch":false,"hasUniqueValue":false,"optionSortStrategy":null,"referencedObjectType":null,"numberDisplayHint":null,"textDisplayHint":null,"currencyPropertyName":null,"optionsAreMutable":true,"isCustomizedDefault":false,"searchTextAnalysisMode":null,"updatedUserId":null,"hidden":false,"options":[],"deleted":null,"createdAt":null,"formField":false,"displayOrder":3,"readOnlyValue":false,"readOnlyDefinition":true,"mutableDefinitionNotDeletable":false,"favorited":true,"favoritedOrder":3,"calculated":false,"externalOptions":true,"displayMode":"current_value","showCurrencySymbol":null,"hubspotDefined":true,"updatedAt":null}


Requests used:

curl --request GET \
--url '’


curl --request GET \
--url '’


Is this expected or a bug, I could not find any documentation suggesting it would not return options.

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1 Soluciones aceptada
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

dealstage enumeration properties


Hi @cbsync 


I'm guessing that there are no options showing up because the deal stages are sorted under deal pipelines, instead of under the deal stage property itself. 

I've tested things out on my end, and I think the Get all pipelines for a specified object type API endpoint (documented here) would work much better. 🙂 

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

dealstage enumeration properties


Hi @cbsync 


I'm guessing that there are no options showing up because the deal stages are sorted under deal pipelines, instead of under the deal stage property itself. 

I've tested things out on my end, and I think the Get all pipelines for a specified object type API endpoint (documented here) would work much better. 🙂 

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dealstage enumeration properties


Although this is a possible solution I still would expectthe different stages to be listed under the field itself.


It is completely unexpected that when hitting the properties endpoint that some fields return their values and others don't. Is there any possibility in fixing this to return the values?


Ah I see, becaue there aare many possible pipelines of dealstage is why it can't be listed.

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